Page 85 of These Dead Promises

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“You did.” She lifted her coffee mug to her thin lips and took a sip before placing it gently down on the plate. “But I had an interesting chat with Sandra Dempsey last night, you know, the Mulligans’ neighbor, and she seemed to think that it was only you at the Mulligans’.” Sabrina pinned her daughter with an unforgiving look. “She said you”—her gaze swung to mine—“were definitely not present.”

“I already told you, Mom,” Max said. “She was with her boyfriend.”

“M-my what?” I glared at Max, my entire body trembling.

How could he?

After everything with Nix and Bryson, how could he sell me out like that?

“Is it true?” Sabrina’s expression gave nothing away, but it was hardly a surprise given her face barely moved thanks to all the cosmetic enhancement she and her friends got.

“That you and the Miller boy are dating?” Her mouth twisted with disgust.

I gawked at her, trying to figure out the right answer here. If I said no, it might lead to more questions. And if I said, yes… I didn’t want to think about what Nix would do.


“Just fess up, Harleigh.” Max smirked. “Enough people saw the two of you shacked up last night at the game.”

“We were not—”

“You should have seen them, Mom. They couldn’t keep their hands off each other.”

Her expression darkened, disapproval heavy in her eyes. “Yes, well. I already expressed my concern over the two of you fornicating.”

“Oh my God, Mom.” Celeste smothered a laugh. “Who says that anymore?”

Sabrina got up and dabbed the corner of her mouth with the napkin. “Nate Miller is a complicated young man. Someone might even argue that he’s unstable. If you’re going to pursue this… this thing with him, I suggest you talk to your therapist about it first. Maybe she can advise you what a dreadful idea it is.”

With that piece of stellar advice, Sabrina stormed from the kitchen, leaving me and Celeste gawking at Max.

“What the hell was that?” she spat the words.

Max got up and shoved his hands into his shorts. “You can thank me later.”

“Thank you?” I recoiled. “I should be—”

“Now Mommy and Daddy will think you’re dating Miller, which means you’ll have a cover story. I’m sure Nate will play along since he’s such a fan of yours.”

“You’re helping me?” I gawked at him.

“We have an arrangement. You helped me, I thought I’d return the favor.”

I glanced at Celeste and she shrugged. “Don’t look at me, half the time I have no idea what’s going on in that head of his.”

“I’ve got shit to do.” He headed for the hall, glancing back at the last second. “But like I said, you can thank me later.”

Max disappeared and I stood there, dumbfounded.

“So wait, is he like on your side now? Because if he is, that’s just weird.” Celeste frowned.

My lips thinned as I murmured. “So weird.”

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