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My heart sank.

They would never accept Nix.

They would never accept me hanging around in The Row and clinging onto my past.

Michael watched me, his eyes boring into mine. He didn’t say anything, but that only made it worse. The tension crackling around us.

Harleigh?” Sabrina repeated, and I blinked over at her.


It wasn’t an answer to her question, but she read it as one, and I didn’t correct her.

“Good.” She gave me a curt, dismissive nod, as if that was that. As if it wasn’t worth talking about because it wasn’t even possible that I would ever try to rebuild bridges with Nix or anyone from my past now that I lived here. I had this nice shiny life in Old Darling Hill. What more could I possibly need?

My skin felt too tight, the air too thin as I shifted uncomfortably in my chair. I knew dinner with them was a bad idea.

Anger bubbled inside me: hot, fiery anger. I was burning up, sweat trickling down my spine as I sat there and tried to rein in my emotions.

Celeste tried to catch my attention, but I ignored her, my gaze wholly fixed on Michael.

My father.

The man who had cast me and Mom aside like we were nothing more than dirt on his shoe. I still didn’t understand his true motivation for coming for me that day. Did he think it would place him as my savior? Or was it years of guilt that had brought him to the police station that morning?

Time might have smoothed the cracks, eased some of that betrayal. But now I knew the truth—now I knew he was responsible for keeping Nix away from me—there would be no forgiveness. It had only reaffirmed what in my heart I knew to be true. Michael Rowe was a cold, selfish, heartless man.

And one day, I would find a way to ruin his perfect life, the way he’d ruined mine.

“Oh my God,” Celeste whispered as we reached the roof terrace. “That was…”

“Yeah.” A heavy sigh left my lips as I flopped down into the rattan egg chair. Celeste sat on the small cube and gave me a weak smile.

“What are you going to do? About… you know.”

“I don’t know.” I clutched my cell phone, staring at the blank screen. Nix had already texted me. Twice to be exact. He wanted to see me tonight. But Max knew.

Somehow Max knew.

And I didn’t doubt he was going to lord it over me and use it to his own ends.

My cell vibrated, startling me, and sending my heart into a downward spiral.

“Is it…?” My eyes collided with Celeste’s and I nodded. “Well,” she urged. “What does it say?”

I read Nix’s text, blood roaring between my ears. “Can I see you tonight?”

“Yes. Say yes.”

“I-I can’t.”

“What?” She frowned. “Of course you can.”

“It’s too risky. I need to think…” I needed to catch my breath.

Last night had been like all my dreams come true. Being with Nix, feeling his weight on top of me, him moving inside me… I would never forget how amazing it felt. But if Max knew, if he had proof and told Michael, I couldn’t risk it. Not yet.

“Harleigh, it’ll be okay.”

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