Page 132 of These Dead Promises

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I inhaled a sharp breath and instantly regretted it, a deep burning pain radiating inside me.


Her voice echoed through me, fisting my heart so tightly I was sure I must be dreaming. But then she was there, looming over me, tears pooled in the corners of her eyes.

“Birdie?” I croaked, my mouth dry and lips sore.

“I’m here,” she said, taking my hand. “I’m right here.”

“W-what happened?”

I could remember the game. That kiss on the edge of the field after we won. But then everything grew hazy. I could vaguely remember the party—

“You were there,” I said, and silent tears began to roll down her cheeks.

“I’m so sorry.”

“What? You have nothing to be sorry—” My brows furrowed. “Cherri.” Her name clanged through me. “I didn’t… Harleigh, B, it wasn’t—”

“Shh,” she soothed, leaning down to brush her lips over my forehead. “It doesn’t matter, none of that matters.”

Other memories slammed into me. Fists and insults. Cruel barbed words and a boot to the stomach. Pain, endless swathes of pain as my old man kicked the shit out of me on the trailer floor.

“Jessa… is she?”

“She’s okay. She’s going to be okay.”

“Thank fuck.” Some of the panic subsided, but it didn’t change the fact that my old man had finally snapped and almost killed her.

And me.

“God, Nix. I was so scared when Zane turned up. All I kept thinking is, I might never get to see you again and things between us were all wrong.”

“I didn’t kiss Cherri, B. I need you to know that.”

“I know. Deep down, I knew you would never betray me like that. But my thoughts aren’t always rational, Nix. I saw the two of you together and I got spooked.” Her expression darkened. “If I had only stuck around to hear you out… then maybe none of this would have happened.”

“No, we’re not doing that. We’re not playing the blame game. The only person responsible for this is my old man.” I inhaled a ragged, burning breath. “He did this. Him.”

She nodded, tears welling in her eyes. “If Zane hadn’t gotten to you when he did—” A garbled sob caught in her throat, and I slid my hand around the back of her neck, tugging her down to me.

“You can’t think like that. I’m here, B. I’m right here. I love—”

The door opened and my friends peered inside. “About time you woke up. Faker.” Kye grinned but I saw the dark shadows under his eyes.

“You look like you’ve seen better days,” I said to him.

“Takes one to know one.” He dropped onto one of the bedside chairs. “How’s our boy doing, B?”

“He’s good.” She kissed my head and went to move away, but my grip on her hand tightened.

“Need you up here with me,” I said, and she went to argue.

“Just do what he wants,” Zane said. “It’ll save us all the moaning.”

“No one asked you to be here.”

“The nurse said company is good for the soul.” He smirked and I flipped him off.

Harleigh climbed up on the bed beside me and tucked herself into my side. “I love you, Nix,” she whispered, laying her hand gently on my stomach.

I picked it up and brought it to my lips, kissing her fingertips. Then I laid it over my heart. “I love you too,” I whispered, gripping on so tight I never wanted to let go.

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