Page 68 of These Dirty Lies

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“Seriously,Clo, I’m not your fucking personal taxicab. Couldn’t you have called whatshisface, Dean?”

“It’s Dan, asshole. And no, he has to work today. Besides, you said you were heading out.”

“Yeah, but I didn’t say I wanted to drive all the way out here.”

“Carter, quit your bitchin’.” I kicked the back of his chair, sinking further down the back seat. “My head feels like it’s going to explode.”

“What’s up with that?” Zane asked.

“Just a headache.”

I didn’t want to tell them the truth. That I’d been kept up half the night listening to my father and Jessa go at it. Somewhere during round two it had turned nasty and Jessa’s moans had become screams of rage until stuff started smashing and clattering against the wall.

In the end, I’d grabbed a pillow and my duvet cover and slept out in my car. She’d woken me up this morning by knocking on the window with an apology muffin and a mug of coffee, but it didn’t replenish the decent night’s sleep I’d missed out on.

The guys wanted to go for a drive so I’d said I would tag along. But Kye landed babysitting duty first.

We pulled up outside Crêpe-a-licious and Kye cut the engine.

“You’re coming in?” Chloe balked. “Because you don’t need to do that. Brianne is—”

“I’m hungry for crêpes.” Kye glanced back at me and Zane, wearing a shit-eating grin. “Are you two hungry for crêpes?”

“I could eat.” Zane shrugged, shouldering the door.

“Guys, come on. You can go. I don’t need—” But her protests were drowned out as we climbed out of Kye’s car and headed inside.

“Guys, seriously.” Chloe grabbed my arm, and I dropped my eyes to where her fingers curled around my wrist.

She immediately let me go huffing out, “This is completely unnecessary.”

“Naw, little bit.” Zane ruffled her hair. “We’re not embarrassing you, are we?”

Her friend Brianne smothered a laugh, watching the four of us from behind the counter. “You didn’t say you were bringing Kye and the guys,” she said.

“I didn’t bring them.” Chloe rolled her eyes.

“Hey, Bri,” Kye said. “What’s good?”

“Depends on what you’re in the mood for. I’m all about the savory options right now. The spinach and cheese is amazing.”

“Sounds good to me. Load her up.” He winked and Chloe’s friend blushed right to the tips of her ears.

“You dog,” I whispered, and he elbowed me in the ribs. “She’s a junior, man. Behave.”

“Like that’s ever stopped you before,” Zane scoffed.

“She’s my sister’s best friend.”

“Again, like that’s ever—”

“I can hear you, you know?” Chloe glowered at the three of us. “And I’ll tell you two what I told Kye last year. Come anywhere near any of my friends and I will gut you like a fish.”

“Ooh, little bit. I’m shaking in my boots.” Zane smirked, and she flipped him off.

‘She makes it so easy,’ he mouthed at me, and I shook my head.

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