Page 21 of These Dirty Lies

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“You wanna hit Buster’s tonight?”Zane asked as we headed out of school for the day.

“No can do.”

“No.” He frowned. “Why?”

“Got some shit to take care of.”

“And by shit you mean…”

“Don’t ask questions you won’t like the answer to.” My expression tightened.

We reached my car and I yanked open the door, climbing inside. Zane followed, giving me a concerned look. “Do I need to tell you this is a bad fucking idea.”

“No. But I gotta see it with my own eyes, man.”

“Yeah.” He released a steady breath, running a hand over his jaw. “I get it; it’s Birdie. She’s—”

“Nothing, she’s nothing,” I said, hating how deep the words cut. “But I gotta know.”

“Want me to come with? Watch your back? If Denby catches you on their side of the res—”

“I can handle the likes of Marc Denby.” I jammed the key in the ignition and fired her up.

Zane snorted. “Still, a little back up wouldn’t hurt.”

“I appreciate it, Z. I do. But this is something I need to do alone.”

“Okay. But if anyone sees you… get the hell out of there, and fast.”

“I will.” He lifted a brow and I added, “I promise.”

“You know, I always thought the two of you…” He trailed off, tension making the air so fucking thick in the car, I couldn’t breathe. “How’s Jessa?” He changed the subject.

“She’s… Jessa. Still convinced she can change him.” Him being my piece of shit father. “I’ve given up trying to tell her to get out while she can.”

“You know, you don’t have to stay there. You could come stay with me and my gran. She wouldn’t mind.”

“I know.” Mrs. Washington was the best, but I couldn’t upend her life like that. Besides, I couldn’t leave. Not yet at least. Jessa needed me; she didn’t have anyone else.

“You’re a good friend, Z. The best. But I’ve got this, I promise.”

He gave me a clipped nod and I started backing out of the parking space. Most kids rode the bus or their bicycle to Darling Hill High. A handful of kids like me were lucky enough to have a hand-me-down ride. She was my pride and joy. The car my grandfather had restored with his own two hands. He’d left it to me in his will when he’d died a few years back, and I’d made good on my promise to look after her.

He was a good man. Nothing like his son. The fact he’d liked me while he was alive, was just another reason for my father to despise me.

It was only a ten-minute drive to The Row but with every mile closer, the pit in my stomach carved wider.

I hated this fucking place.

It was home, sure, and it held some of my best memories. Goofing around with Zane and Kye, causing mischief, hanging out with Harleigh…

Harleigh, fuck. My grip on the wheel tightened until I white-knuckled the damn thing. I was supposed to be over this shit. The guilt. The crippling hopelessness I felt. The simmering rage that burned inside me. Obviously it had only slumbered though, and now she was back, the monster was slowly awakening.

“You good?” Zane asked, and I flicked my eyes to his.

“I’m good.”

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