Page 32 of Beautiful Salvation

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“You’re so bloody irritating, you know that?” I glared at Sebastian in the rearview mirror.

“Eyes on the road!” Dad shouted from the passenger seat as I swerved to correct the car. “It’s called a provisional license for a reason, Harry. At this rate, it’ll be revoked before you’re seventeen.”

But my brother recovered, kicking the back of my seat.“Prick.”

“Sebastian,” Mum chided, “don’t call your brother names. It’s our anniversary, and we’re taking you two to Spain on holiday instead of leaving you at school. Be grateful. If you don’t stop fighting, you’ll elevate your father’s blood pressure.”

“Dad’s not old, Mum.”

“I’m nearly forty. Your brother will have to carry my bags for me when we arrive.”

I sneaked a look at my father, smirking. “Then what will Toro do?”

“Take photos for posterity.”

“You’re not old. You’ll live forever.”

They didn’t.

Not even close.

“King, stay away from those barriers.”

Oliver’s voice over the headset snaps my attention back.

There are few things in life I can’t control.

My parents’ deaths for one.

Because of that and the vendetta I pursued for a decade after, I’m determined to make the most of every minute I have.

Like the race car drivers learn from an early age, the clock is never on our side.

But this? The car beneath me, the speed with which we fly over the asphalt, is entirely in my command.

Blood thrums in my veins.

Tyler’s pulled ahead of Beck.

It’s not in me to lose.

We come around the second-to-last turn, and I open up the car.

Beck swings wide.

Next is Tyler. He’s on a clean line, a more disciplined drive. I’d expect nothing less from my friend.

The finish line is in sight. Tyler drifts to one side—a few feet.

A few more.

This is my chance.

I hit the clutch and the car surges under me.

Someone waves a checkered flag. I’m the first to sweep beneath it, the car growling.

“Thank you, Beck,” I say over the headset.

“For what?”

“Seems we found tigers after all.”

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