Page 30 of Beautiful Salvation

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“Prepare yourselves for a once-in-a-lifetime experience.” Beck leads the way through the Mirage hotel with a sweep of his hand.

I haven’t the first clue what Beck has planned, but a few more turns and there’s a distinct entrance with a sign.

Siegfried and Roy’s Secret Garden and Dolphin Habitat.

“We’re here for the fauna, not the flora.” Beck cranes his neck to peer inside. “Wait until you see what they have.”

Beck steps back, scanning our expectant faces. “We’re training tigers. The ultimate man versus nature. King of the city, meet king of jungle.”


“Tonight, you will tame your demons. Embrace your inner savage to commune with the world’s most terrifying and awe-inspiring beasts. It’s symbolic, don’t you think?”

“Of what, your idiocy?” My brother rocks on his heels.

“A man may be married, but he’ll never be tame. Thandie is going to hook us up with the experience of a lifetime.” Beck grins at a young woman in a uniform who appears at the desk.

We follow her out to a huge tank the size of an Olympic diving pool.

“Wait. The tigers can swim?” Beck asks, clearly confused.

“Tigers? Guests don’t work with tigers,” our hostess replies.

“But we’re VIP guests.” He leans in. “You might recognize me from my show, Being Beck.”

Her brows rise. “You’re still not working with the tigers.”

Beck turns, dismayed, toward the tank where a trainer is warming up. Two dolphin heads bob above the surface, eagerly awaiting the fish held above their noses.

My brother’s rumble of laughter is the most amused I’ve heard him sound all week.

“Truly terrifying,” Tyler drawls.

“It could be fun. Look how cute they are,” Beck says.

“Animals don’t belong in tanks or cages,” my brother tosses.

“Sebastian, relax.”

“You’re the one who snapped his fingers to make a three-day-notice wedding a thing.”

Irritated, I turn to Beck. “Forgive my brother. Sebastian is a bleeding heart when it comes to animals. Rescued strays and rehabilitated them. Even let a litter of dogs loose from a pet store when we were boys.”

“Adorable,” Beck decides.

Sebastian glares at me.

“Who wants to go first? Squiggle here loves kisses,” the trainer insists as the dolphin bobs in the water, nosing the sky.

Tyler and I exchange a look.

“Beck. Tell me there’s a plan B.”

“Plan B?” he echoes. “I went all in on plan A.”

With a flick of her hand, the trainer has the creature leaping up out of the air and crashing back into the tank.

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