Page 67 of Beautiful Ruin

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Harrison’s brother’s smile is irrepressible. “He had a call with his lawyers yesterday. Said the arrangement’s going well.”

Gavin and the girl I met at the club event aren’t married, but they have a child together. Ash said Gavin has told his girlfriend he’s gay and that the relationship is over, but they’re working through the logistics of custody and their belongings.

It must be difficult, but I still wish Ash had more to go on. I don’t trust the guy after how he treated Ash before.

“Have you been in touch with the team?”

“Yeah. They want me to come back early next month to train.” He frowns.

“Your contract’s not at risk, right?”

“I’m secured another year. They can’t turn me loose without cause. And missing a few too many penalty kicks doesn’t count.”

It still sounds like a lot of pressure on Ash. I feel for him.

“There’s this place we’re planning to go to tonight,” he continues, leaning in. “Las Puertas Del Cielo. ‘Heaven’s Gate.’ It’s a lookout near Santa Inés.”

“Sounds beautiful.”

His smile fades a few watts. “We’re not flying off to Hawaii to say I do. But it helps when the person you’re into isn’t living with someone else.”

My chest tightens, and he kicks my shin lightly.

“Don’t let my situation drag you down. Or yours. My gloomy brother isn’t a reason to ruin a perfectly good day in Ibiza.”

“You’re right.”

He grabs my arm and drags me toward the door. “Grab your bathing suit. We’re going swimming at the hotel. We need to go somewhere to have fun.”

* * *

After swimming at the hotel with Ash, I do feel better. I change and stop by a café in town before swinging by Debajo with treats for the staff.

“Dibs on that coffee,” Leni says, swooping in to grab it when I carry the tray through the doors. “Thanks, Rae. Things have been rough.”

“Because of Mischa?”

“Because of Harrison.”

I set the rest of the treats on the bar, and the day staff descends on it.

Leni nods across the room, and I follow, folding my arms. She lowers her voice.

“This week, he bought more vodka than we would use in two months of high season so Mischa would run short. He paid staff not to work there. One of Ivanov’s Paris clubs had to shut down temporarily, supposedly due to a rodent infestation.”

“Harrison is personally sabotaging Mischa?” Things have escalated more than I expected. “Would that even put a dent in Ivanov’s business?”

“Maybe. But more than that, he wants to force Mischa to fuck up and show his hand, ideally before your show.” She sighs. “But in the meantime, he’s causing more problems for Echo Entertainment than for Ivanov.”

“He was in London today for meetings,” I prod.

“Damage control because he forgot to sign a lease renewal for one of his clubs, and Ivanov swooped in and made a better offer.”

Shit. This has gone further than I realized. Harrison’s taking his eye off his own business. He’s been so caught up in sabotage he’s hurt himself.

“Forgetting to renew the lease was a mistake,” she says as if reading my thoughts, “but he’s always known what’s best.”

I want to have the same faith as Leni that Harrison has things under control, but I can’t. He’s wielding his power recklessly, escalating what’s between him and Mischa when I had hoped he would back down.

I squeeze my wrist, a habit, and glance down when I feel only skin and not the cool metal I’ve gotten used to again these past few weeks.

My bracelet.

I had it on earlier, but now, it’s gone.

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