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One day until the wedding

The knockon my door cuts into the blackness in my room. I shift out of bed, straightening my pajamas.

Tyler’s not here.

Worry floods me until I see the sheet of paper on the bed.


I’m sorry I missed you last night.

We’re going back for the final push today.

I can’t wait to see you for the rehearsal dinner.

I love you more than anything.


The worry is replacedby a dull ache that makes my limbs heavy as I pad toward the door and crack it.

Sunshine streams in, burning my retinas as I squint at the silhouette.

“The wedding planner told me to bring you this.” Rae holds out a cup of coffee.

I pull open the door and take it from her, inspecting the label. It says “Bride” with a heart drawn on it.

“She wrote that too,” she insists, brushing past me into the suite. “Are you ready for your last day as an unmarried woman?”

“Yes and no.” I scrunch up my nose, and she scans the room.

“This is an interesting arrangement.”

All the furniture is pushed back against the walls.

“There were a dozen trunks of merch in here Tyler was supposed to sign. He had them moved to some storage place.”

“Where is Tyler?”

I rub my face. “I don’t know. He didn’t come home last night.”

Tyler and Dad skipped dinner to work on the deal. But though I waited up until after midnight, my fiancé didn’t show.

Regret crawls through my stomach as I think about our fight on the boat.

“Come on.” Rae jerks her head toward the door. “We have plans.”

I take a sip of the coffee, and the hot brew does something to settle my nerves. “Rae?”

Her dark brows rise.

“What if I was deciding to tell someone I care about some information that they might want? But it might ruin their time off?”

“Normally I’d say tell him. But…” She looks past me toward the open doors, the beautiful morning beyond. I’ve never seen Rae look so wistful. “I know how hard it is to get a few days off. And most problems will still be there.” Her gaze comes back to mine, and she rolls her eyes. “Are you going to go get your ass dressed or what?”

Ten minutes later, Rae and I show up at the day spa in the main building. When I walk inside, there’re friendly faces having an argument.

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