Page 10 of Love Notes

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Because he’s not affected by money or egos or any of the bullshit. I love that abouthim.

We round a corner, and I’m so focused on Tyler that I run smack into a body on the otherside.

Tyler grabs me with steadying hands I feel through the fabric of my jacket andshirt.

“Watch it,” the girl snaps, and I murmur an apology before I realize whom I’ve had the bad luck to runinto.

The Queen Bitchherself.

Carly’s tie is done up tight, but her shirt’s a size too small, stretching over her boobs and leaving little to the imagination. Her skirt is rolled at least three times, and she’s the only one in school who gets away with doing it more than twice. (Pen and I roll ours once because whoever designs these uniforms still hasn’t learned knee length isn’t flattering foranyone.)

Carly's gaze roves over Tyler. “Who areyou?”

Tyler moves to step between us, but I shift to keep him behindme.

It’s instinct, not deliberate. Physical fights are a rarity at Oakwood, but the way she’s inspecting my friend, I’d take her on in aheartbeat.

“He’s new. Backoff.”

I expect her to snap back at me but her attention stays on him over my shoulder. “Fromwhere?”

"Philly,” Tyler answers, but there’s an edge toit.

Carly circles us both, eying him up. “Roman College. I have a cousin who goesthere."


Aaand it’son.

With Carly, you either join her court, which means kissing her feet, or you’re herenemy.

Tyler’s not the feet-kissing type, and the fact that there’s nothing in his family connections to make her give him a pass puts him squarely in the secondcategory.

Welcome to door number two,Tyler.

She folds her arms over her ample chest. “Your parents get you in here onscholarship?”

“My dad and I parted ways lastyear.”

“He’s dead.” Her lips curve meanly, but Tyler doesn’tflinch.

“Just an asshole. But he got thehouse.”

From her fascination, one would think he’d told her he’d discovered life on Mars. Even her minions, normally loud and mean behind her, are silent and still, waiting for something tohappen.

Carly steps closer to Tyler, close enough she could touch him if she wantedto.

I don’t want herto.

“You know who I am, poor boy?” she asks, her voice fake-sweet as she tilts her chin up athim.

But Tyler glances down the hall as if he’s already bored with this conversation. Carly’s minions exchange a look of shock at hisaudacity.

“No,” he answers at last. “Doyou?”

The easy retort has my breath sticking in mychest.

The bell rings, cutting off the audible gasps from Carly’s minions, but it can’t mask the disarmed look on herface.

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