Page 74 of Twisted Love

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“Overheating.” She takes off around the room. “Was this their wedding shoot oryours?”

I catch up to her as she flicks to another image. In it, Ben and I are in profile. He’s holding me close, one hand possessively on my back, his eyes lowered so I can’t make out the emotion inthem.

But I can see the emotion in mine. I’m looking up at him as if he’s the only man in theworld.

“They wanted inspiration for poses,” I murmur, but my throat isdry.

“This is inspiring allright.”

I turn away for a second, shove a hand through my hair. I’m not embarrassed by my feelings, but I’m also aware that what I’m giving him in that photo is way more than either of us bargainedfor.

When I turn back, she’s typing on my phone. “What are youdoing?”

“Nothing,” she says innocently before handing the phone back. “I might be out late tonightstudying.”

“No more deflowering. If you’re going to have sex, do it with a guy you actually like.Okay?“

“Are we talking ‘I’ll buy you a coffee’ like or ‘let’s go halfsies a phone plan’like?”

“How about ‘I respect you and trust you enough to share a super personal experience withyou’?”

She nods dutifully, but I swear there’s relief on her face. “Deal.” Then the relief is replaced by something that has me narrowing my gaze in suspicion. “Just remember. What I do, I do fromlove.”

I stare after her, mystified, as she rushes from myoffice.

Until I open my text messages and see she sent Ben thephoto.


Ben’s officebuilding’s always been impressive, and I appreciate the glass as I head for theelevator.

I smooth down my dress on the way up. I could’ve gone home and changed into something more casual. But this was easy. It’s not as if I want to see his reaction, especially since I didn’t get a text in response to Lily’smessage.

The elevator doors open and I’m partway down the hall when a man walks out of anoffice.

“Xavier,” I say, surprised. Stupidly, I hadn’t worked through the part where Ben’s colleagues would seeme.

“Daisy, how lovely to see you again. I trust you’re here to see Ben. Would you like to get a coffee until he’savailable?”


His assistant goes to get us drinks, and he waves me into one of the conferencerooms.

I take a breath. Keeping up the cover story isn’thard.

But alone with Ben’s seniorpartner?

I can do this, Idecide.

“My wife was quite charmed by you,” Xavierbegins.

“I enjoyed our dinner. And it was nice to work off the caloriesbeforehand.”

He laughs. “I heard you took Ben away for theweekend.”

“We were at Martha’s Vineyard for a client ofmine.”

“Ahh. Relaxing surroundings, excellent company. You know, I’ve been impressed by his commitment toyou.”

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