Page 68 of Twisted Love

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A bellhop crosses the lobby to the front doors with a cart of bags, but I’m focused onDaisy.

She stops a few feet from me. Her hair’s still wavy from yesterday, like she brushed it but didn’t wash ityet.

“The first boat leaves in an hour,” she says. “I want to get a workout in and I need to catch up on other client files, so I’m taking that oneback.”

I step close, shoving both hands in my pockets. “Good morning to youtoo.”

She angles her chin up to hold my gaze. Maybe she’s remembering the way I fingered her until she writhed on the palesheets.

Or how she took me so deep it felt as if we were the same damnedperson.

Still, my best friend looks composed and collected. “You were gone when I woke up.” Her low voice brings meback.

“Tris called to say that my partners, in their infinite wisdom, decided I wasright.”

“Don’t get a bighead.”

I lower my voice. “I don’t remember you complaining about the size of any part of me lastnight.”

A hint of color rises up her cheeks, the only response to myinnuendo.

“I’m grabbing caffeine, then we should pack.” Daisy starts past me for the station with coffee and fruitwater.

I frown afterher.

As my best friend makes herself a coffee, and another guest makes small talk with her, I can’t help thinking she’s returned tonormal.

I don’t need her to tell me last night was amazing. Unexpected. Hot as fuck. But it wouldn’t kill her to look a little moredazed.

“There’s another advantage of us spending this weekend away,” I murmur at her shoulder as she adds cream before lifting her gaze to mine. “Tris said he wasn’t taking us seriously, but he does now because of how I’macting.”

She arches a brow. “Like a man who’s inlove?”

Suddenly, I’m the one who feelsnaked.

Someone always wantsmore.

What if that someone isme?

“It was a joke," she says, misinterpreting my hesitation. "I’m an adult. I know last night didn't changeanything."

The words shouldn’t set me back, but they do. Last night was physical, but it wasn’t only physical. It couldn’t be when she’s been the best part of me for almost adecade.

Daisy takes a sip of her coffee before cursing at the temperature. “We should getgoing.”

But the way Daisy’s looking at me with those huge, dark eyes has me thinking of another set of familiar dark eyes. Ones that changed not only the trajectory of my relationship with Daisy, but withmyself.

I don’t want last night to be a one-time thing. But if I’m going to convince her of that, I need to get my head on straightfirst.

* * *

Eight YearsAgo

I’d just finishedmy nighttime chemistry exam and was on my way out to celebrate when the call came in from Tris aboutMom.



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