Page 46 of Twisted Love

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“She is.” I glance at the timer, then back up ather.

Daisy is taking the lead now, finding tougher, riskier spots toascend.

Xavier goes to cheer on his wife, and Holt comes over to me. “I underestimatedyou.”


“This.” He nods toward Daisy. “There’s no way you’ve been working like you have and kept her up your sleeve the entire time. She’s too…perfect.”

“Eyes on your own wife, Holt,” I say softly. “Or this thing between us is going to getpersonal.”

Cheers go up and we look at the wall, where Daisy’s at the top. I shake my head and hitStop.

“What was mytime?”

I tell her, and she beams. “Don’t get cocky. We still have togo.”

From the distance, I see her roll her eyes in dismissal before going to help the other women get to thetop.

After they come back down and we switch spots, Daisy comes over, flushed and triumphant. “Get your platinum card ready.” She reaches back to tug the elastic from herhair.

My hand closes around hers and I do it for her, twisting the silky strands around my hand. “Noway.”

She retrieves her phone from me, setting the timer with a raised brow. I tug on her hair once before stepping back, tossing her a cocky grin before heading to thewall.

“Ready? Set?Go!”

I start my climb, Holt on one side and Xavier on the other. This is a competition, albeit not the mainone.

Partway up, I glance over my shoulder and see Daisy on her phone, typing something. A bit of my focus slips, and my hand doestoo.

I drop, the cord holding me snapping tight.Fuck.

“You good over there?” Holtcalls.

“Great. Thanks,” I bite out, refocusing on mywork.

It’s Holt who gets to the top first, and Daisy callstime.

“How’d we do?” my partner wants to know as we head back to thefloor.

“It was an exceptional effort,” Xavier’s wife sayssolemnly.

“And?” Xavierasks.

“And you lost by twenty-five seconds,” Holt’s wife tellsus.

Groans goup.

“Can’t believe this,” I mutter. “You’ll be crowing about this all throughdinner.”

“We will, but not to you.” Daisy holds out a hand. “Card.”


“We’re going for dinner. There’s a table for three waiting for us. You gentlemen can go wherever you want. Ladies,” she comments to the wives, “I’ll see you ateight.”

They voice agreement and delight before heading past us for the changerooms.

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