Page 15 of Twisted Love

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Occupying a suite on the second floor of a converted warehouse in SoHo, Closer helps customers with relationship products, everything from online dating to sex toys to lingerie to—if I can land this Vane account—couples’ resorts. And I want to expand to help other companies improve the relational aspects of their businesses. Technology helps but can make people feel disconnected rather than connected if the creators aren’tintentional.

I want to beintentional.

Plus, I love that I've built a team of more than a dozen account reps, designers, and communications experts who are not only savvy businesspeople but amazing individuals. I consider all of them family, and some of them friendstoo.

The two tenants below Closer are a cannabis dispensary and a rare bookstore that specializes in mainly erotic literature, fiction and nonfiction. It’s kind ofpoetic.

Once I’m upstairs, I say hello to the four people here this early, including Kendall, who's sitting in with me on the Vane pitch, before heading to myoffice.

“Let me know when he’s here,” I tell myassistant.


I check my email, answer a few requests from clients and my team, and run through my points one more time before my assistant comes to get me, even though I can see through the glasswalls.

“Mr. Vane.” I greet him warmly with a smile and ahandshake.

“Richard,” he insists. “It’s good to see you,Daisy.”

At his side is a woman I’d judge as my age, fidgeting with the sleeve of her tailored jacket. She’s beautiful, with unblemished caramel skin and shrewd eyes. Her dark hair is straight and falls in glossy, social-media-ready waves over hershoulders.

“I apologize. I didn’t realize someone was joining us," Isay.

Her eyes warm a degree. “I’mCamila.”

I hold out my hand and she shakes it. “What’s your role in thecompany?”

“I’m not involved in the company. Yet.” She cuts a look atRichard.

“She’s my future daughter-in-law.”

I show them to the conference room where I’m all set up and introduce them to Kendall. Once that's done, I square my shoulders and begin the remarks I'veprepared.

“Although the Vane hotel empire is established and impressive, your acquisition of these twenty properties is a huge opportunity—if you play your cards right. But the focus of a romantic couples’ getaway is different from a regular high-end business hotel chain. I have a number of ideas for how to enhance your connection with your customers to help you know them better and serve thembetter.”

I don’t need to look at my notes. I have ideas on how to make the resorts more inclusive, welcoming, and feeling personal all atonce.

Richard holds up a hand. “Actually, I’m here for a specific request. My son is getting married in a month. Our publicity lead quit last week and we need someone to liaise with wedding publications. There’s already an interview scheduled withPeople. An exclusive photographer. You’d need to oversee the execution of the brand andevents.”

Surprised, I straighten in my seat, smiling. “Mr. Vane. Richard," I amend at his look. "I appreciate that this is a special day. For both of you,” I say to Camila. “And I understand the need to get this right. I handle corporate publicity and marketing, not personal brand. But I can find you the right person on shortnotice.”

“This isn’t a request. It’s an interview. To see if you’re the right person to take my business,” Richard say. “My resorts are personal for me, so I need to know you can take care of my family. I would, of course, compensate you fully for anyexpenses.”

He slides a number across the table and I try not to let my eyes widen. Even in New York, it’s big money. More than enough to fix my sister’s tuitionproblem.

“A few interviews, plus the rehearsal dinner and of course the wedding itself. Babysit the media crews, act as a filter between us and them. Ensure the right things getthrough.”

And the wrong things don’t, he says without sayingit.

"I'd need to discuss it with my staff," I hedge. There's no way they have extra bandwidth for this, and I wouldn’t ask them to do something like this on such short notice. Which means I’d need to do it. Which means my staff would have to take over all of my currentprojects.

Richard laughs, leaning forward. “I haven’t offered ityet.”

I can't help bristling. “I assure you, my team is extremely capable.” Kendall smiles, but I can tell she’s as surprised by this turn as I am. “And I’ve personally managed campaigns for dozens of major and emergingbrands.”

“Which is why this wouldn't be a job for your staff. It would be a job for you.” His gaze flicks to my hands. “I'll admit, when my team did a background check on you, it seemed strange you're not in a relationship. I assumed someone in your line of work would be the biggest advocate forlove.”

It takes a moment for me to grapple with the pile of bullshit he’s dropped on the table, to remind myself it’s a common misconception of men of a certain age that women must want to bemarried.

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