Page 105 of Twisted Love

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Xavier rises from his chair to stare me down from across the table. “The first time I met you, I appreciated your cunning. You were bold but with a track record to back it up. Now I’m questioning whether the senior partner position is the rightfit."

"You're questioning," I echo. "Last month you were questioning whether I had the right support at home. I showed you I did. Maybe you're looking for things to question where there aren'tany."

His gazenarrows.

"I've made this firm more money than any other partner in the past twoyears."

“Which is why I've given you the benefit of the doubt,” Xavier goes on. “Why did you want this deal to gothrough.”

My jaw clenches. “Because it was the rightmove.”

“Not because it was your recommendation againstHolt's?”

I could argue, but even I know that’s nottrue.

I had everything lined up for this deal. Itwasthe right move. I don’t know what happened, but it’s possible I didn’t get wind of something that I shouldhave.

I stalk out of the room without aword.

Tris follows me into my office. “Ben.”

I ignore him, shoving files into my briefcase for my next meetings. “Did you know aboutthis?”

“I told you there were issues, but you didn’t want to listen. You wanted to win more than you wanted this firm to make the rightchoice.”

“Holt’s choice is never the right choice. Don’t you see that? He has zero credibility, lessintuition.”

“You hating Holt isn’t going to get you Xavier'sseat.”

I slam my briefcase shut and cut my brother the coldest look I can muster before heading for thedoor.

* * *

“This is fun,”Mom gushes when I pick her up in thelimo.


The rest of my day was shit, moving between already packed schedule of meetings and trying to salvage my tech deal only to find out it was well and trulydead.

If I hadn’t talked with Holt’s investor maybe I would’ve caught wind ofit.

So much for beingnice.

“Where’s Daisy?” Mom asks, elegant as she crosses her legs in a long blue dress that sets off her dark hair andeyes.

“Meeting usthere.”

Daisy’s voicemail saying she needed extra time to get ready wasn’t what I’d expected, but I went withit.

“And yourbrother?”

“Tris and I are having adispute.”

She shifts in her seat, cocking her head atme.

“You should’ve stopped after one,” Isay.

“You’d miss him. I wouldtoo.”

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