Page 89 of Easy Love

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And then I showed her exactly what I’d wanted to do with her forweeks.

Okay. The trailer, atleast.

I couldn’t have dreamed the way she shifted over me, her face open and wanting and honest as she took my face in her hands and pressed her lips tomine.

The rest didn’t suckeither.

Seeing her naked was a totally new experience. Her curves were even better up close, and I wished I had enough hands to touch them all atonce.

When I pressed inside her slick wet heat, I was torn between focusing on the present and thinking of all the other things I wanted to do withher.

When I woke up this morning, following two snoozes on my alarm clock I don’t remember initiating, light was streaming around the edges of the curtains, my phone had zero messages, and I had to haul my ass toschool.

By the time I got there, I opened my phone to find a text message saying, “Thanks for last night. I had a really goodtime.”

By noon, I hadn’t come up with an appropriatereply.

Thanks for buying me dinner and watching my favoritemovies.


I enjoyed getting high withyou.


What I end up with is, “You’rewelcome.”

It’s a thousand times worse, but once I hit Send, I can’t take itback.

Now it’s nearly 5 p.m., I’ve canceled on Jake at the gym because I don’t want to look him in the eye, and I’m trying to get through my paperrevisions.

I take my coffee mug to my lab office. My books from school are still in my bag, and I set them on thedesk.

My extension rings, and I pick it up. “Hello?”

“Hello, this is Ben, Jake’s friend. You left a message to discuss yourapp.”

I straighten. “Idid?”

“This morning at”—hesitation—“1a.m.”

Fuck. I don’t rememberthat.

I think fast. “Right. Well, I have a testimonial couple who provided some quotes. I could take you throughit.”

“I only have a minute now, but let’s set up a time to talk,” hesuggests.

I nod. “Sure. Thankyou.”

I hang up with a fistpump.

Then hit another contact on myphone.

I listen to the ring once.Twice.

“Dr. Strange,” Rena answers. “What a pleasurablesurprise.”

“I think the word is ‘pleasant.’”

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