Page 82 of Easy Love

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Rena’s laugh tinkles like the starsoverhead.

Or is thattwinkles?

I’m pretty sure I’m feeling thegummies.

“Have you told your mom about your debt?” sheasks.

I shake myhead.

“You should tell her. You don’t need that burden onyourself.”

“You’re probably right.” But whether she is or not, what I know for sure is that I don’t ever talk to someone likethis.

“Wow. Wes Robinson admitted I’m probably right? I’m getting that tattooed. And you’ll have to sign it,” shetosses.


Rena laughs in the dark. “Is your dad the one who got you into genetics?” sheasks.

“Not really. I used to read his National Geographic, you know, with the yellow covers? But I always liked biology inschool.”

“I bet you did.” She turns her face toward me, whispering in my ear, “I bet all the girls went crazy for that ‘I’m too smart and important’ vibe. You probably made panties drop all overJersey.”

I go to grab her, laughing, but she twists away. I’m a step slow and end up dragging my knuckles down her barearm.

She falls back onto her elbows, and I’m bracing a hand next to her head as I stare down into her mischievousface.

“I was not that guy in high school.” Our faces are inches apart. “I’m stillnot.”

“I love that aboutyou.”

Her gaze works overmine.

I push back an inch to get a better look at her face even though what I really want is to get closer. I start to push off her, shifting upright so I’m straddling her but holding myself up, when her voice stopsme.

“Have you ever been in love,Wes?”

The question catches me off guard. “When I was a kid, I thought so a couple of times. When it was all hormones and infatuation. But lately? Just with mywork.”

“Me too. Not the work part. But it feels like I’m always… with guys.” I pretend her easy admission doesn’t have my abs tightening. “I like the attention. The company. But I don’t think that’s the same as love. I see my friend Haley and what she and her fiancé have, and it’sotherworldly.”

I’m staring at her, the outline of her face just visible in the lights of the city. “What about yourparents?”

“I don’t know if they loved each other ever. They still give to the right charities, show up at the right events. They didn’t want to get married. They did because of me. It wasn’t planned. I think if they could take it back, theywould.”

Some pieces click intoplace.

“How do you even knowthat?”

Rena cocks her head. “I’m not you, but I’m notstupid.”

“Of course you’re not.” I stare ather.

“Some people thought I was. My parents got me extra tutoring. Pretty sure my dad would’ve bribed the dean of admissions to let me in if my SAT scores hadn’t come through. But I get it. I’m not the same kind of smart youare.”

“I envyyou.”

“Me?” Her brows shoot up in surprise. “Why?”

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