Page 121 of Easy Love

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“Congratulations.” I get a drink of water, gulping it down. “You tell yourdad?”

“I told him I auditioned. He waspissed.”

I’m the smallest bit pleased Terry’s upset, but I’m supposed to be the grown-up here. “He’ll get overit.”

Something between a groan and a sigh comes over the line. “What if hedoesn’t?”

There’s uncertainty in his voice. “Life doesn’t always turn out how we expect.” I turn back to see Jake working the speed bag, but half his attention’s on me. “You have to… roll with thepunches.”

Jake freezes, shaking his head. “Really?” he mouths, and I turnaway.

“Why are youleaving?”

My eyes fall closed. I could tell him it’s because of his father, but that’s not it. Notreally.

“This isn’t what I trained for. I enjoy spending time with you. All of you. But it’s not what Iplanned.”

“Maybeyouneed to roll with the punches,” he tosses back. “You think it doesn’t matter who teaches us at Baden? It matters. We matter, and you matter too.” His voice is fierce, and guilt stabsme.

For a kid who wants to be onstage, he has a future as a boxer because I’m officially flat on myback.

When I hang up, Jake’s looking at his ownphone.

“Now who’s neglecting their workout?” Itoss.

“Ben’s asking me why I didn’t let him know about something called ‘Modern Love.’” His gaze lifts to mine. “And whyyoudidn’t when you talked to him lastmonth.”

“What are you talkingabout?”

I cross to him, and he pulls up a page on hisphone.

It’s my app. And it’s not. I read thedescription.

You’re tired of meeting people who don’t do it for you. You want to find a meaningful relationship, and you’re frustrated with investing your time, energy, and trusting your heart to things that don’twork.


Modern Love is more than skindeep.

It’s about finding someone you click with—literally.

Opposites attract, and it’s not just asong.

It’s true on everylevel.

I scan the rest of the text, hearing Rena’s voice in my head with everyword.

“When did you do all this?” Jake asks, soundingimpressed.


He lowers thephone.

I remember her words from the last time we spent together. I’ve replayed them over and over in mymind.

“We’ll figure it out.Together.”

I drop onto the bench, rubbing my hands over my sweatyface.

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