Page 33 of Always Been You

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I can feel her body starting to completely relax and a rush of heat washes over me. I need to feel more of her. I want to lay her down and take her right here on this beach.

“Livy,” I moan as I break the kiss. “It’s taking everything in me right now to not rip off your clothes, but we are at a public beach. Unless you want to be ticketed for public indecency, we better stop. Come with me to the beach house.”

She laughs and leans back a little, making me immediately miss her body on mine. I take her hand in mine and kiss the tips of her fingers. The sound of her laughter is one of the best things I’ve heard all day. It’s almost as good as her response.

“Hurry Parker, let’s go.”



I don’t think I’ve ever run that fast. Parker has my hand in his and we are laughing and stumbling through the sand on our way to his car. We stop for kisses along the way, not able to get enough of each other.

“Please tell me that you aren’t planning to go back to work today Livy?”

“Not a chance.” I will text Ellie when we get to the car and ask her for a favor. There are only a couple of hours left in the workday so I’m confident she can handle it. And even if she couldn’t handle it, at this point, I would ask her to close the shop and sell it rather than leave Parker now.

We reach the pavement and Parker slips on his dress shoes. I finally get a good look at him in his navy suit and crisp white dress shirt and think to myself that if I died today, I’d die a happy woman. He looks expensive. The suit is tailored to perfection, fitted in all the right places, and looks like it costs more than my entire wardrobe. This man is the definition of sexy.

“Where did you park?”

“Back at Bloom. I came to find you, but you obviously weren’t there. Ellie told me you went for a break and needed fresh air. I ran to the beach hoping my instincts were right.”

“You really haven’t forgotten a thing about me.” I feel my cheeks warm at the realization. I am amazed that after all these years Parker remembers the little details that make me who I am. He sweeps the tips of his fingers across my forehead, tucking loose strands of my hair behind my ear.

“No, I haven’t, and I probably never will.” He pulls me in close to him and presses a kiss to the top of my head.

“Now let’s go. I need to get you out of these clothes right now.” We race through the streets, his hand in mine, to get to his car, ignoring stares from strangers along the way. We must look like a couple of criminals fleeing the scene of a crime.

Finally, we are at his car. Parker opens the passenger door for me, backing me into the leather seat with his mouth on mine. He breaks the kiss, flashing me a devastatingly handsome smile.

“You are perfect, Livy.”

My heart thunders in my chest. He shuts my door, rounds the front of the car, and gets in the driver’s seat.

We reach the beach house in record speed. We stumble to the door in each other’s arms kissing and touching, our breathing ragged. It takes Parker three attempts to unlock the front door. I’m sure it didn’t help that my lips were basically glued to his.

The door slams shut behind us and Parker pulls me towards him, lifting me by my waist and then turning, pinning me against the door. My ankles lock around him and he pushes his body into mine.

“Kiss me, Parker.”

He has one arm under my bottom and his other hand is pressed against the door by my ear. He kisses me hard with hunger in his eyes and my arms snake around his neck, deepening the kiss. His tongue finds mine and his hand breaks from the wall moving to my jaw. He grasps my jaw in his hand and angles my chin higher, trailing kisses down my neck. The feel of his warm mouth on my neck sends a tingling sensation over my body.

“What are you doing to me, Parker?” I breathe the words into his ear, my body on fire. He nips the side of my jaw then runs his tongue across the mark his teeth leave on my flesh. The warmth of his mouth soothes my skin. Parker breaks the kiss and finds my eyes.

“Exactly what you want me to do. I’m going to make you feel so good Livy.”

I shudder, knowing just what Parker can do to me. I close my eyes, willing him for another kiss and because he knows me so well, he claims my mouth with his.

I reach for the front of his shirt, unbuttoning it one by one, resisting the urge to tear it off his body. I drag it down over his broad shoulders and it falls to the floor. I roam my hands over his hard pecs, loving the feel of his muscles that he seems to have perfected at the gym.

“I love your body, Parker. You are so damn sexy. I will never get enough of it as long as I live.” I’ve wanted someone to make me feel this way for such a long time. The intense desire and need for him courses through my body. It feels like an addiction that I never want to break.

“Take your shirt off,” Parker commands in a voice that should be illegal it’s that sexy. I quickly pull it over my head. This new demanding side of him is turning me on, and I want more of it. Holy Shit.

“Bra. Now,” he demands again, pulling my back just far enough from the door that I can reach the hooks. I unhook the clasp as he pulls the straps away from my shoulders, letting it drop to the floor. His hand palms one breast, his thumb trailing across my nipple before he dips down to take it in his mouth. I run my hand through his hair, gripping it at the base of his neck, trying to relieve the mounting pleasure between my legs.

“God Parker.” The feel of his breath on my skin and his arousal pulsing into my center is intoxicating.

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