Page 15 of Always Been You

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“I wanted to see for myself what all the talk is about. From what I hear Bloom is the only place in the city to buy flowers and apparently after my parents’ party you are the talk of the town. I’m proud of you, Livy. This is amazing.”

I feel my cheeks turn an even brighter shade of pink at Parker’s genuine compliment. I’ve never been a girl who needs the praise of other people but coming from Parker it means something.

“I also wanted to see you, Liv. I needed to see if there was any chance you changed your mind about meeting me.” He takes his hands from his pockets and I suddenly am wishing he would put them right back. His hands unnerve me, I want them on me. It was better when I couldn’t see them.

“Livy, I promise it’s just two old friends catching up. Nothing more.” He runs his hand though his thick, dark chestnut hair and I die. His hair is short on the sides and long on top and when he runs his fingers through it, it falls over his forehead, making me want to put my hands through it and push it back.

“Parker, I can’t. I’m sorry.”

“You can’t or you won’t, Livy?” he asks firmly, taking a step towards me, closing the distance between us.

“Why does that matter Parker? It’s just semantics.” I want to take a step back, but my body betrays me, leaving my feet planted to the floor beneath them.

“It matters to me Livy. If you already have plans that’s one thing, but if you are just refusing to see me, well then, that’s another.”

“After all of this time, what would be the point? You live in New York and you seem to be happy and I live here. I’m happy too, Parker. We’ve both moved on. Why rock the boat?”

“Look Livy, seeing you yesterday did something to me, and I haven’t been able to stop thinking of you since. Can you honestly say you felt nothing for me yesterday after seeing me again? Because if you can, I will leave, and I won’t bother you again. Can you?” He looks at me with his piercing dark eyes knowing full well what he does to me.

I fidget with the hem of my shirt. Parker knows me better than anyone, so I’m sure he knows I am flustered. I’m sure it is also obvious that I am fighting the urge to run my hands up his hard body and press my lips to his mouth. He looks so damn good that I wonder how he could still be single. How has someone not made him hers? I think again about all the women he’d been with in New York. I am not going to add my name to that list.

“Parker, of course I felt something seeing you yesterday, you were my first love. I will always feel something for you and that will never change, but that doesn’t mean it’s a good idea for us to talk again. I’m sure you can understand that.”

I take a deep breath, noticing the frustration in his face. It almost breaks me to see him feeling rejected, but I have to stick to the decision I’ve made. Parker has the power to wreck me and I need to protect my heart at all costs, even if it means watching him walk away.

“Livy, I really wish you would reconsider. I’m in Reed Point until tomorrow morning if you change your mind. Can I at least give you my number, just in case?”

“It won’t be necessary,” I reply, shifting my gaze to my feet.

“Come on, Livy,” he pleads as he moves closer and I can feel my body stiffen. I can see he’s not going to give up, so I walk the few steps to the desk and grab a pen and a note pad, handing them to him. He scribbles something down and gives it back to me, brushing his fingers over mine. A spark lights beneath my skin, reminding me yet again of our connection.

“It was good to see you Livy.” He flashes me a devastating grin, his eyes on mine, and for a moment I’m certain that he knows exactly what I’m thinking about.

I watch Parker walk away, my eyes travelling from his broad shoulders down to his perfect ass in those jeans. Adrenaline courses through me as the door closes behind him. I’m hoping I didn’t just make the biggest mistake of my life. I look at the piece of paper folded in my hand and see that he’d written something else on it, too.

I won’t give up, Parker xx

This man. Shivers are rolling over my body from this man and he hasn’t even touched me yet.

* * *

ELLIE: We’ll be there in 10. Be ready.

ME: Can’t wait. I’m Ready! See you soon.

I put on my gold hoop earrings and a bangle and run my fingers through my hair to loosen the waves. I’m looking forward to tonight, to getting out and to getting out of my head.

I had managed to sneak in a 45-minute nap after work and a shower. I also had time to call my mom to see if there is any news on my dad’s return. She still hasn’t heard. Figures. My mother was used to being kept in the dark and being the last to know when it came to him, but she never gives up. I struggle to understand why. How it is possible to turn a blind eye to the lies and the stories he spun.

I know when the time comes, I will need more in a husband than my father ever gave my mother.





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