Page 92 of Problem Child

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“Ben… Ben…” I was calling his name with greater and greater trepidation, knowing something big was coming and so did he.

He pulled his mouth away for a second and rasped, “Come for me, Lily. Come now, on my tongue and then I’ll give you everything you need.”

Well, how could I resist that? I flopped back on the bed, but my body refused to relax, especially when he went to work again. Instead, I was forced to just surrender to this sensation, this slowly growing pleasure until the steady burn became something sharp and biting.

It was different this time. I’d fucked plenty of alphas, but this… This was making love. Ben watched me come apart, gasping and panting on his fingers because right now, all he wanted was that. My pleasure, my bliss, which fell all around me like the light patter of rain. But when I sighed my last sigh, he was on me. The wolf had been patient, but now he had me right where he wanted me. He grabbed my legs, pushing them up until my ankles rested on his shoulders, forcing me lewdly open for him.

“I’m gonna knot you now, baby,” he said, “and then I’ll make you mine.”

It wasn’t such a simple, easy process. His thick shaft sank into me like he was coming home, and he muttered something to that effect. My hands slapped down on his hips, trying to stop him from pulling back too far, something in me not able to tolerate that. But as our lips met and our bodies tangled, as he began to move, slow at first, then faster, as our panting breaths synchronised and we stared into each other’s eyes, watching the terrible play of pleasure/pain on the other’s face, that’s when it happened.

It felt too huge at first, a blunt force battering my body, trying to get in. And because I was a beta, I had to do this consciously. I grabbed his hand in mine, locking our fingers together and then rolled my hips. With the movement, something opened, his groan reverberating through the room as we felt it. Another great roll and he was sinking deeper, both of us panting fast.

“So good, Lils. You’re taking me so well. Just a little bit more, please.”

It wasn’t a little bit more. We both worked together, slowly but surely wedging him inside me to the point I began to whimper and his hand slipped to my clit, working it furiously.

“You can do this,” he said and his deep, resonant voice seemed to be making a proclamation that had meaning well past this moment. “You can take me. I’ve been fucking dreaming about this. Have you?”

I wrapped my arms around his shoulders, holding him tight and then thrust upwards, feeling too much, too much… and then it was just right.

“Oh god, don’t move…” I gasped. “Just for a second.”

“God, the feel of you… You’re locking me down so fucking tight, like you’ll never let me go.” Ben kissed me then, brushing his mouth across mine, but we couldn’t stay like that for long. It was either rush towards the end or back the fuck out, never to do this again, and I knew what I’d chosen.

“Take me, alpha. Make me yours.”

I realised afterwards that I’d never had sex as intimate as this before. He rested his weight on his elbows, keeping his body propped up off mine so he didn’t crush me, and by doing this, created this little cocoon. There was only Ben and Lily here now and that was right and good. He began tilting his hips slightly, drawing frantic little gasps from me, but whether they were from pleasure or pain, it was hard to tell. He was just so fucking much. The heavy weight of him was locked down behind my pelvis and while I’d taken plenty of knots before, it felt like his bore down on my G-spot with a deadly intent I was never going to be able to resist. I squirted slick around him, something that brought an animalistic growl from him, and then deeper, more insistent thrusts.

“You’re gonna come apart, beta,” he assured me. “You’re gonna come on my cock and then I’m gonna breed this pretty little beta pussy, claim it as mine. You’re mine, aren’t you, Lils? You’ll always be mine as… oh, fuck!”

He was so damn big I felt the moment his cock jerked inside me, my body apparently taking it as a sign.

“Ben!” I cried as all the sensation came crashing down.

His mouth on mine, nipping and biting, sucking on my bottom lip, strangling my whimpers of pleasure. It flared bright, so freaking bright that even with my eyes closed, reddish explosions seemed to go off behind my eyelids as I twitched. My whole body tensed and flexed, almost trying to pull away, but there was going to be none of that. We were locked together now. His arms went around me, scooping me off the bed and against him.

“Love you, Lily,” he said, right before he struck, his fangs biting down into my neck.

“Love you…”

I barely even breathed the words, ones I’d never said to anyone I was in a romantic relationship with, but a wolf’s hearing is sensitive. He roared his triumph into my skin as he marked me indelibly as his.

For some time,we just lay together, tied by his knot, but by more than that. Ben didn’t use this as an opportunity to wring more and more pleasure from me like he’d done before. Instead, this was a quiet, intimate moment that seemed to stretch out forever. I learned the beat of his heart, the sound of his breaths, the feel of his skin, was as though they were my own. And as I tucked myself in under his skin, I realised they were, of a sort, because they were my mate’s, and he belonged to me.

“Mine,” he agreed, using some alpha Jedi mind trick to work out what I was thinking. I asked him about it sleepily and he explained.

“I can’t hear your thoughts, or know what you’re thinking, not unless you’re really reaching out to me. We are blessed, cursed, to know our mates on sight, and so we’re given a little evolutionary leg up. I feel some of the pleasure you feel, some of your pain. Like I know the rush you get when you drink a fresh cup of good coffee.”

“Mm… coffee…”

“And the pride and the joy and the fucking pain you feel when you look at Evie.”

“Aaah, Evie.”

Real life, the world outside our little cocoon, was always going to come back. There was no way to escape that. What had happened, what had made her lash out? I needed to know, almost more than I needed my next breath, but I wouldn’t get it, not until she was ready.

“How are we going to tell her?” I asked, my fingers going to the bite mark he’d left on my neck, his smile spreading when he saw me shiver as a result. “How will we—?”

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