Page 78 of Problem Child

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Chapter 38

I woke with a jolt sometime later to a few problems. One, my alarm was blaring. I groaned and fumbled around, finding my phone and turning that off before flopping back on the bed. The second was I wasn’t the only one in my bed. My head jerked up off the pillow to see the splendour spread out before me. My teeth sunk into my lip as Jasper slept on, his pillow plastered across his face, his abs bunching and smoothing with every slow breath. He had one of those veins that travelled down over his hipbone, then kind that I wanted to lick every time I saw it in some thirst trap.

And right now I could.

I imagined his hand going to my head at the first touch of my tongue, then emboldened, it’d push me down—

A muffled thud alerted me to my other problem. My eyes jerked from Jasper, to the door, as I heard a clearly rambunctious Evie bounce out of bed and get ready for school.

How the hell was I going to hide Jasper from my daughter?

“Shh…” a deep masculine voice said, and that had me stiffening. I recognised the voice pretty quickly, but that didn’t really allay my fears. “Mum’s asleep and having a lie in. We need to be very quiet. Let’s get you some breakfast and then we’ll head to school.”

“Can we go through the Macca’s drive through?”

I admit, dear reader, to doing a cheeky Macca’s run when I was just feeling too crushed by life to manage making breakfast, so my daughter had become partial to a Sausage McMuffin.

“You can have peanut butter toast on wholegrain,” Ben informed her. My eyebrow cocked upwards, wanting to hear how Evie would respond to that.

“But Daaad…”

“It has lots of slow release carbs that’ll keep you full until recess and some healthy fats for your brain.”

“And I need that?”

“Smart girl, like you? Of course, you do.”

“OK then, Dad.”

Part of me loved compliant Evie, but the other part couldn’t wait until the shine wore off and Ben was forced to fight the real battles in the morning. Evie would deploy her full array of weapons, from whingeing and whining to emotional blackmail, to pleading and begging to bargaining. Then there was absolute refusal. I flopped down on the bed, feeling curiously relieved to not have to fight that fight, and then guilty because I didn’t.

So, in other words, motherhood.

But if Ben was going to give me this gift, then I was going to enjoy it. I rolled over and that’s when I was confronted by my other option. I ran my eyes down the muscular planes of Jasper’s chest and then leaned in to take a closer look.

Alphas were always stupid hot. Like even if they weren’t conventionally good looking, I was yet to meet one who didn’t have the kind of body that made beta weightlifters cry. So lean, so hard, I couldn’t help but reach out and touch. But as my fingers landed on Jasper’s hipbone, I heard Evie’s muffled squeal. I jerked my hand back like a kid caught with it in the cookie jar, my hand hovering in the air. Jasper moaned slightly, shifting on the mattress before settling back down.

I could get up. I could go down the hall and thank Ben for trying to let me sleep in. I could ruffle Evie’s hair and congratulate her on the nice breakfast she’d made with her dad. I could participate in whatever strange version of a family we were running here.

Or I could stay right where I was.

That thought was so bloody selfish it made my head spin and yet, that’s what I wanted.Just this once, a serpentine voice said.Just for now. Evie won’t know. She’s too caught up in her dad being around. She won’t even miss you.

But she would, wouldn’t she? My train of thought stung me as much as it freed me. Then Jasper shifted, his hip arching up as he moved on the bed, and my mouth dropped down, ready to meet it. One kiss, just a feel of that sharp bone pushing up through satiny skin, then another. Jasper let out a tiny noise, somewhere between a sigh and a groan. I kissed him again, to test if it was me that was provoking the reaction and it appeared it was. These little grunts came with each touch, and as I kissed my way across the place where the waistband of his jeans met his stomach, they seemed to get louder and longer with each kiss.

“Lily…” he mumbled, his hand going out and grabbing the back of my head. I was pretty sure he was still mostly asleep, but one part of him wasn’t. He drew my lips closer, closer to the solid lump in his jeans. I kissed it like the good little beta I was, right as I heard Ben and Evie walking down the hallway to the front door.

“Quietly, love,” Ben said, right before they pulled the door shut behind them.

Quiet fell over the house, nothing stirring, nothing but me. My fingers went to the button of his jeans, then the fly, the tight denim parting almost in relief, and that’s when I found he went commando. Hard, thick and tucked over to his right, I peeled the jeans away and his cock popped free. He shifted more restlessly then, forcing me to go still and quiet until he settled again. Then I consulted what I had before me.

He had one of those thick cocks with a big mushroom cap of a head, one that would feel like it was punching its way inside me, a pleasure I’d come to appreciate. But not now. Jasper had pampered me. From helping at the shop, to lunch and the bath, and I wanted that for him too. So my tongue flicked out, tracing the throbbing seam that ran up his cock. His breath sucked in, so I waited until he relaxed before doing it again. He tasted of salt and soap, the woody scent of him stronger here, but I didn’t get a chance to dwell on that. Time was ticking by. I needed to get to the shop. And Jasper? He needed to get off. I wrapped my hands around his cock, provoking a long groan from him, and I capped that off with a very thorough inspection of the crown with my tongue.


The pillow was yanked away and his head jerked up, his eyes following every single thing I did.

“Love, you don’t have to… Oh fuck!” My lips fastened around the head, sucking as I swiped my tongue. “Fuck, don’t stop.”

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