Page 36 of Problem Child

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Maybe that was it. Just like that night, I knew this had a distinct end point. I’d never get to sample this alpha’s body again, never get to ride a knot this thick. So I dug deep and dove in, seeking, questing for pleasure. But as I began to unravel, everything that had happened to me starting to hit. Ben’s words slamming into me, as well as that pained look…

“Not yet,” Reed hissed. “I’m not losing you yet. Stay with me, little beta, for just this night.”

“Reed, I can’t!”

“But you can.” His hands swept over my body, big and warm and caressing, just like his voice. “You need everything I have to give, but Lily, I need the same. Give it to me, love. Give me what I need.”

I couldn’t make sense of that, just letting out a frustrated little huff before turning as much as I could, seeking his mouth with mine. He took my lips gladly, one last intimacy we had to share. Then his hands were everywhere, plucking, pinching, rolling, stroking, sliding, delving and I moved too. I slapped my hands down on my knees, bobbing as much as his knot would allow.

Each upstroke created this entirely distracting pulling sensation, making me more aware of my cunt than I had ever been before and when I bore down, he filled me so completely. I couldn’t imagine wanting this with anyone else. And with that came a bittersweet pain I knew too well.

To try and get over one guy, I’d recreated the scenario with another, though each man was entirely different. But the end result was the same. Neither Ben nor Reed wanted me enough to stay, to sayfuck my plans, I want Lily, so, with tears in my eyes, I kept moving. No matter what, I’d have this pleasure. I’d have his.

But this time I had a handy dandy implant in my arm that was immune even to alpha sperm. Carmen had made sure of that when I discreetly inquired. I wouldn’t have to change my life after Reed. We could enjoy this moment for what it was and that was all.

Freed of the painful thoughts racing through my mind, a rush of pleasure went screaming up my spine and my shout reverberated all the way through the room, quickly followed by his.

“Lily!” he roared, over and over, as I snapped tight around him.

His cum jetted inside me, shockingly hot and filling me up in a way that made me feel swollen and bloated. But I was drunk on it, on being full, on him, on this forbidden kind of pleasure. His claws dug into my skin, holding me just where I was, as his hips bucked up, driving himself forward the last little amount my body would allow and then I felt his fangs bite down into a fold of skin at my neck. His roar was muffled by that, whatever he was saying incomprehensible as I went limp.

I literally could not move anymore and, thankfully, I didn’t need to. I was lowered down onto the bed gently and then his big body covered mine, a much more muscular form of a blanket.

“What the fuck happened to you?”Sophie asked me the next morning, and I shot her a dark look as Evie ran around our house, picking up treasures she was sure she’d need for the beach. She’d asked imperiously when we were going to see her dad as soon as she got in the door, and I was glad I had an answer for her. “You missed my proof of life text. I nearly sent the cops after you.”

“The alpha I was playing with…” My voice was very low, little more than a mumble, but as soon as Evie zoomed into the room, I just focussed on stirring sugar into my coffee, waiting until she was gone again. “He rocked my damn world and he just wouldn’t stop. I am so tired and sore.”

“And looking like the cat that’s got the cream,” Soph said with a smirk. “Damn, girl, if Taylor and I ever break up, you need to introduce me to some of these alphas.”

“I’ve got the towels, water bottles, snacks, buckets and spades and those sand mould things Evie loves,” Taylor said, striding in the door, then over to Sophie to give her a big kiss. Something lightened inside me to see them happy again. “I think I have everything.”

“Thanks, Taylor,” I said, almost shyly. I didn’t regret what I’d done, but I didn’t like that it’d caused him to doubt Sophie in some way. “We appreciate it, really.”

“C’mon, Evmonster!” he called out. “It’s time to meet your dad.”

As always, when something she wanted was on the line, she appeared like magic, bouncing over to the breakfast bar.

“I’m ready. I just wanted to bring some stuff to show him. I’ve got my favourite action figures, a book, a magazine Mum got me about ancient history. Do you think my dad will like reading about Ancient Egypt? Did you know they used to pull a dead person’s brain out through their nose with a hook?”

“I did not,” Taylor said, putting a hand on my daughter’s shoulders and steering her towards the front door. “And if he’s a good dad, he’ll like whatever you like, little monster.”

“Ready?” Sophie asked, one last time.

“No fucking way.” But I grabbed my car keys and went out the front door, along with everyone else.

I thoughtwhat I’d done last night would make a difference. I’d thought it would take the edge off and help me settle when we got to the beach. The wind wanted me too. It tugged at my hair, like it always did, whispering incomprehensible sweet nothings in my ear. But as we’d got out of the car, Evie wanting to rush ahead already, my hand shooting out to grab her arm before she went flying out in front of a car. That’s when I saw him.

Would I always respond like this? I thought furiously. My body ached but that didn’t seem to stop that pain ratcheting higher when I saw him. Wearing an old footy jersey and a pair of board shorts, he shouldn’t have looked as good as he did, yet he seemed like the quintessential Aussie golden boy, out for a day at the beach. He moved to the curb, his focus entirely on us as we finally walked across the road towards him.

Evie’s muscles bunched as soon as we walked, her body vibrating like a struck string until she got close. Then something seemed to kick in, some kind of reticence that saw her hand tightening around mine, squeezing it tight.

“Evie?” I said. “Everything OK?”

“Hello, love,” Ben said, sinking down to his knees in front of her. “Are you ready for a day at the beach? Being your mother’s daughter, I reckon you’d be a killer at building sand castles.”


Oh shit. Oh fucking shit. That questing little voice, it was never the start of anything good and I started to crowd into Evie’s space as a result.

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