Page 128 of Problem Child

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“Yes!” I yelped, wanting, needing every bloody inch of him.

“Good girl.”

He gripped me tight then, fitting his body against mine as he drove himself into me, over and over. His pace was the exact kind of punishing slam I’d grown to love. I didn’t want a decorous beta making polite love to me. I wanted to be rutted by an alpha, over and over. Then I clamped down upon him, forcing him to still as the first waves of pleasure washed over me.

“Such a good girl,” he said, rubbing his hand up and down my spine as I shuddered my way through the first orgasm. “Now you’re all wet, swollen and soft, you can take all of me. You’re going to take my knot, aren’t you, beta?” His voice sounded strangled, a match for my frantic little whine as he pushed himself deeper.

It never got any easier, and part of me loved that. The war fought between me and my alpha, one I was never sure we’d win until their fingers slid around, teasing my clit as they barked for me to take all of them. That moment of paralysing pleasure, where my body wasn’t my own and was entirely theirs, when I was forced to submit, surrender, even if just for a second. I’d feel something loosen inside me and each inch of ground I gave, they took, until they were seated deep inside me. And it was at this point that Logan began to move, just short little choppy strokes, full of his need and awakening my own with it, each pulse rubbing hard against my G-spot. I gushed freely, a skill I’d developed since being with my pack, slick running down my legs and over his balls to the sound of his exultant growls.

“This,” he promised. “I’d do anything for more of this, more of you. To have you as mine forever and ever.” His teeth snapped down on my neck, nipping at the skin but not biting deeper. “To bind myself to you, heart and soul. To put you first. You’re mine now, aren’t you, beta? Say it, Lily. Say it!”

“Yes…” I gasped, right as the fire erupted, my hands scratching at the windows, my back bowing backwards with the violence of what I felt. He was coming, I was coming and together we were ready to burn the whole world down.

Later,he laid us down on what he later told me was a custom-built bed. My bed, he assured me. I’d choose who came and went in it. But when I wished? All five of them could join me in it. For a while I’d just sank down in all the crazy endorphins that came with fucking an alpha, until my stupid brain came back online.

“You know this doesn’t just automatically fix everything,” I mumbled.

“I know.” A kiss was pressed to my neck. “It’s why I didn’t mark you, not yet. My psychologist is suggesting couple’s therapy first.”

I blinked as I looked back over my shoulder at him.

“Are you…? Really?”

“Really.” His reply was cooler, stiffer. “They think it’ll give me the best chance to get this mating off on the right foot, and Lily…” He let out a sigh, then relaxed again as he snuggled in closer to me. “I’ve learned exactly what happens when it goes off the rails, and I can confidently say I never want to experience that again. I want you to let me in, even if I don’t fucking deserve it and, when you do, I don’t ever want to go anywhere else.”

I threaded my fingers between his and clung on to this moment, this feeling of satisfaction, because right now, I knew exactly how he felt.

Chapter 62

"I’m not sure this is the right place for your daughter,” the principal said in a frosty tone as he sat down behind his desk. He gestured to the chairs before him, but there weren’t enough, my pack dragging others closer or just looming behind my back.

“So where should she go then?” Logan asked. The question seemed innocent enough, but there was an edge that had the man stiffening.

“Oh, well, perhaps where your family grew up—”

“Yeah, some little country school isn’t gonna cut it for Evie,” Ben drawled. “She’d be running rings around the teachers and the other kids, making a right pest of herself. I think she’s much better off staying here.”

“Yes, well, the other parents—”

“Need to learn to keep their fucking mouths shut,” Reed said, levelling the man with a flat stare. “They’re half the problem. Shooting their mouths off in front of their kids and stirring up trouble.”

“Well, I’m not sure about that—”

“I am.” Carmen’s voice cut across the growls and chatter in the room. “You have a problem with bullying, and using my granddaughter as a means to sweep that under the carpet is not acceptable.” She paused for effect, because, damn, the woman was seriously a boss when she wanted to be. “I know how these things work. You’ve got some people with deep pockets trying to put pressure on you ‘for the safety of their children’.” She smiled tightly, then drew a cheque from her purse and laid it on the table. “Consider this an incentive to tackle the problem head on. You’ve been looking for sponsors for a media centre upgrade. Well, there it is. A bequest of sorts. You can rebuild the centre and name it after my granddaughter.”

The principal’s eyes bugged and I could see why. I’d never seen that many zeros on a piece of paper before.

“I believe we can come to an agreement?”

We did.

It took some hammering out. I wasn’t insensitive to the fact that even though dollar signs were spinning in his eyes, he did have a legal responsibility to make sure all of the kids would be safe, not just my daughter. But the reports from Crowe Corp along with psychological evaluations did give him hope. We created an action plan together, identifying her triggers and what would be done at each stage.

“If Ev explodes, call us,” Ben said earnestly. “One or more of us will break land speed records getting here. She’s not having anywhere near as many meltdowns and when she does, she copes a lot better with them. But even if she’s not. We’ll drop everything and come and sort things out, I promise.”

The first time Ev had melted down, the guys had been stunned by the outburst, but we’d all huddled around, helping her to settle and find herself again in the maelstrom of emotion. Having a pack to face down an Evsplosion helped my confidence so much.

People didn’t get in the alphas’ faces or shoot them narky looks, questioning their parenting skills. They just got the hell out of our way and that was a relief in itself. Evie needed me. I provided her love, care and a solid routine, which had always been beneficial, but the guys brought something else again. An equal and opposite force, which killed me, because they could just deliver a deep voiced request and she’d damn well do it without arguments.

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