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“You don’t ever have to be,” he said with a grin. “Now, what do you normally wear to bed?”

“Ahh…nothing,” I said, watching his eyes flare in response. “I think I’ll just ditch the pants and the bra and I should be fine.”

“Let me,” he said, sweeping his hands up the back of my shirt and undoing my bra clasp with a degree of proficiency that made my eyes narrow.

“You had some practice doing that?” I asked.

“None.” He snorted. “Trust me, it’s just beginner’s luck.”

I stopped him then.

“No one?”

He wanted to look away, I could see it in the tension around his eyes, but he forced himself not to. He busied himself drawing my bra straps out through my sleeves before letting the garment fall away. It was intense, just feeling the thin fabric fall over my bare nipples, which were pulled tight and throbbing right now, but the question between us remained the same.

“There was never anyone else for me, Riley. No one who caught my attention. No one for whom I gave the slightest shit about, other than you.”

He undid his jeans with one hand, then with the other, he grabbed my hand and pushed it inside, so I could feel the hard throbbing length of him behind the layer of stretchy cotton.

“You’re the only one who makes me feel, who gets me responding, who… Uh!”

It was just a little moan as I rubbed my thumb up, then down his shaft.

“So you’ve never done this with anyone else?” I was going for shock, but my voice came out all husky instead. “No one’s touched you like this before?”

“No…” he ground out. “Jesus fucking Christ, Riley, I’m trying to be good. You’re destroying my control here.”

For some reason, that was the perfect thing to say. They’d been all dark and smouldery, complimenting me, taking me out, making me feel like they had all the power and I was just there to have it lavished on me, but right now, I was the one in control. I was making a man, who I’d fantasised about more times than I could count, shiver at my touch. His whole body seemed to narrow down on my hand, on what my thumb was doing, and that made me feel good.

“So show me,” I said. “Show me what no one else has touched.”

Chapter 24

“What?” He stared at me hazily, seeming to have to focus hard to bring himself back to the here and now. “You want…?”

“I want to see you,” I said. “All of you.”

He moved only as far away from me as he had to, stripping off his socks, his jeans, and his boxers, and I watched him hungrily as he emerged perfectly naked. I just stared for a second, unable to stop looking him over, my fingers aching to touch, but where to start? His muscles tensed, the cobblestones of his abs clenching tighter under my inspection, and then there was his cock.

Fuck, it might just hurt a little going in, he was that damn thick, the slightly more streamlined look of his body almost exaggerating his size. Despite that, part of me wanted to find out if he’d force me to feel a little pinch the first time he fucked me, something that would ease as he delved deeper.


Even as he spoke, my finger reached out, tracing the same path up the length of his cock that I had before, but now over bare flesh rather than fabric. His hand wrapped around my wrist, dragging me closer but forcing it away from his dick.

“You said you didn’t want things to progress too far,” he said in a low growl.

“I don’t,” I said with a wicked grin, sliding my hands down his body as I dropped down to my knees.

“Riley. Riley, you don’t—”

It was the sharp intake of his breath as I licked a line up his cock that got me, robbing him of the ability to speak. His hands dove into my hair, balling it up into a rough bun, and he used it as a means to hang on. His eyes closed then, those lashes so long, they cast a shadow on his cheeks. His lips fell open as mine parted, like we were in each other’s heads, his brows creasing as I collected all the pre-cum bubbling out of his slit, then sucked it down.

“Riley…” His voice was corded with need, desire, and pain. “Riley…” he hissed as I wrapped my hand around the base of his cock, my fingers unable to even grip him entirely. He didn’t seem to care, his whole body stiffening as I covered the end of his dick with my tongue, swiping over it with faster and faster strokes. My name came tumbling out in increasingly jumbled ways, until finally, as I wrapped my lips around the crown, it was just a random set of syllables.

One little flex of his hips—that was all he allowed himself as I sucked his head tight, just an indicator that he wanted more without taking it, his body strung taut as a string. It was when my tongue pressed against that sensitive spot right under the head that the groans really started. I wriggled it furiously as I sucked, beginning to go deeper and deeper, until finally, his eyes flicked open.

My soft-eyed Colt wasn’t here anymore. Instead, his beast stared down at me with eyes like the moon.

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