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His voice was so deep and warm, I just wanted to pull it around me like a soft blanket, and the fact that I couldn’t just taunted me, reminding why this was all such a bad idea. But as I tried to wait Blake out, he did something that shocked me. He jerked his hands back, and they went to his jeans, undoing the button and the zip, my eyes unable to do anything but stare as he pulled his cock free.


Like whoa.

I’d seen diagrams and shit, but…whoa.

He let out a frustrated little hiss, then grabbed my hand much more gently and pulled it closer. I could’ve resisted. His grip was so light, it would’ve taken little more than a twist of my wrist to achieve that. When I made contact, he felt so hard and so hot in my hand, I almost expected to hear a sizzle. He leant in then as I wrapped my fingers around his cock, explaining stuff in a voice corded with pain. Or was it pleasure?

“You wanna know how many women have gotten my cock hard, love?” I made an anxious little sound then, ready to pull away, but he charged on. “One. Just you. You’re the only one to make me feel like this. Only you. The feel of your little fingers…” He shuddered as I began to move them, stroking up his length, marvelling at the way he throbbed against my palm, my fingers unable to even go all the way around. “Fuck, Riley…”

He dipped in closer, brushing his lips against mine, and they parted for him immediately. He surged in then, utterly confident in what he was doing, his hands cradling my face as he kissed me.

“I don’t want you to feel obligated to touch me,” he said, silencing me with more kisses between his words. “You don’t owe me fucking anything. We’re the ones that owe you… Uh!”

My hand had slid down, down, to the part of his physiology I’d heard so much about but never encountered in the flesh—the mighty alpha knot, feeling like a swollen lump towards the base of his cock. His breath came in rapid little pants as I swivelled my hand around it, testing its texture. It was softer than the shaft but still distended and taut, and most importantly? It seemed to drive him fucking insane, his words gone, his reactions intense, and right then, I felt like I had him in the palm of my hand, figuratively and literally. Right up until his hand wrapped tight around my wrist, preventing me from moving an inch.

“Babe, you keep going, and shit’s gonna get real messy.” He let my hand go, stepping back and making quick work of tucking himself away again, buttoning up and zipping his jeans. “Squeezing a knot,” he explained almost apologetically, “that tells my body you’re ready to mate. Jerking off generates about the same amount of cum as any other dude, but my knot?”

“The super seminal response…” I said, belatedly remembering my alpha physiology class.

“Squeezing down on it creates a helluva mess. It tells the wolf in me that you want to be bred. I’d shove it inside you and flood you with my cum, everyone working to keep you coming the whole time I was locked down in your tight little cunt.”

“That’s why you’re born as a pack?” I asked, looking up at him. “You…coordinate things?”

“We’re hard-wired to want to please our mate,” he said with an almost apologetic shrug. “All of us. Getting knotted takes time, and we want that to be as pleasurable as possible for her.”

Ohhh fuck… Blake had done such a good job of getting me off, so why the hell did it feel like there was a deluge in my knickers right now? It wasn’t hard to see in my head. Rather than a clinically described scenario with ‘alphas’ and their ‘mate’ doing what nature dictated, instead it was them and me. I dared a glance up, saw Blake staring down at me intently, wanting, needing me to understand, but I did, my whole body feeling like it’d been set on fire as a result. Then, right as whatever throbbed between us felt like it was gonna jerk me closer, my second,oh shit, get the fuck up, bitchalarm went off.

When we jerked apart, when I switched my alarm off, I felt like I’d lost something precious, even as he still remained standing there. Probably because practical Riley, rather than panting Riley with slick running down her leg, was taking control.

“I need to get ready,” I explained lamely.

“You get on that, and I’ll knock you up something quick for breakfast,” he told me, daring to dart in and press a kiss to my cheek before turning and walking away.

I had a way too long shower, but I blamed Blake for that. I was forced to shove my arm against my mouth as I got myself off, twice, then scrubbed my fingers extra carefully before getting out.

When I came out into the living area, the place was filled with the savoury scents of bacon and eggs, a perfect B&E sandwich waiting on a plate for me. I scoffed that down, Blake watching me the whole time, wearing a smile of satisfaction and neglecting his own breakfast.

“I’ve got to go,” I said finally.

“Give me the keys, and I’ll clean up here,” he said. “Ryan’s coming for you at lunchtime. He can give them back to you then.”

I just shook my head, pulling the spare pair off the ring, unable to believe what the fuck was happening. Was he gonna do my washing and vacuum the floors too? But I found myself moving in closer when I handed them over and kissing him cautiously.

“Thank you for last night. It was…amazing.”

Apparently, that was all I needed to do or say, because his face lit up then, looking so different to the careworn man who’d turned up at my office days ago as to appear to be a whole other person. He plucked the keys from my fingers and gave me a wink.

“Any time, Riley.”

Chapter 18

“You’re late again,” Candy said when I strolled into work, her eyes narrowing. “And your face…” She grabbed my arm, yanking me past an alarmed Janet and down the hall to my office. “You got laid. You’ve lost that pinched thing here and that thing your mouth does.”

“Sit down, shut up, and stop going on about my love life, what there is of it,” I said, wrenching my arm free of her. “We’ve got bigger issues to worry about. I found out more last night, a lot more, and it’s going to make the study tricky.”

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