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Just like mine had.

“Thanks, Helen. I just wanted whatever background information I could get before I start interviewing the alphas,” I said finally.

“They’re going to allow you to do that?” The excitement in her voice was infectious, helping me get over my own nerves. “OK, well, let’s talk data recording, because this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity…”

She’d givenme a strict set of instructions about how to collect information and what equipment to use. She reconciled herself to the fact I was going to use my phone for a lot of it, but then made clear how I would need to log each item with her.

“If you do this, you’ll be making history. We need to preserve that well so others can benefit.”

“Got it,” I said, then headed back upstairs.

Before I lost my nerve, I strode into Windsor’s office to see that Candy was there, along with the bane of our existence, Suck Up Evan.

“Ah, Riley. We were just talking about the alpha pack you brought us and who’s going to head up the study,” Windsor said.

“I want to.” The words were out of my mouth before I could even think, delivered so bluntly, everyone kind of blinked. “I’m sorry, that was rude, but…” I straightened up and stared everyone down. “The Vanguards are here for me, and I’d be willing to bet they will only speak to me.” They would if I told them to.

“Hang on,” Suck Up Evan said, raking his lank hair back from his forehead. “As senior researcher…”

He wasn’t my senior in anything. He’d barely completed his degree and took twice as long to do it as he should have. That was the senior part. He was a few years older than me, that was it. But Suck Up Evan was also Evan Crowe, son of Gideon Crowe, the owner of this whole building that we were a small part of. I think he’d shoved his son in with us as we were a fairly new and experimental side of the research arm of the institute, so he was less likely to cause issues for business units that had actual deliverables that counted.

“Riley brought the first alphas ever to volunteer for a study,” Candy snapped, hating Evan as much as I did. “They’ve ticked every damn box on our admission form. As well as genetics, they’ve opted for physiology, psychology—”

“I’ve got good relationships with the other department heads and can continue to liaise with them once you establish the parameters for the project, Robert,” I said to our leader. “You know how amazing this opportunity is, and I brought it to you. Candy and I work well together. We can make this our focus, and our senior researcher can take care of the other work.”

“The Vanguard pack did specify that Riley was to head up the study,” Robert told Evan apologetically. “My suggestion? Go and find your own pack that will allow you the same liberties. But until that eventuates, Evan, as Candace has said, you’ll be responsible for the work that they are forced to put aside.”

So the key to not grinning like a fucking lunatic in an inappropriate situation is to frown just slightly. Not enough to look super pissed off. Slightly constipated will do. So both Candy and I stared at Evan, not wanting to look away for a second as the slimy little prick got his arse handed to him.

His father, Gideon, was amazing. He used his considerable fortune to actually bloody help people and grow our scientific knowledge. He frequently set up little business units like ours, which were more experimental and perhaps not likely to ever return a dividend, bankrolled by the more profitable units with their creation of new heart medications or cures for erectile dysfunction. But his son?

You know how you get the kids of famous people? Like actors or pop stars’ kids or the children of certified geniuses like Gideon? Whatever combination of nature and nurture that produced these truly exceptional people, it totally misses their kids. That was Evan. He was slight, couldn’t seem to pull his shoulders back, always had hair that looked like it needed a good wash, but none of that was enough for us to dislike him. He didn’t even need to be half as smart as his dad.

Instead, he was this pinched-faced, grasping little man, who seemed to feel the need to shove himself forward. He couldn’t let his work speak for itself because he didn’t do any. He seemed to think his name exempted him from something, that he could get peons—me and Candy—to do all his dirty work, as it was theorised had happened during his degree. The rumours said he got caught paying people to write his papers for him and Daddy put on the thumbscrews, telling him either to shape up or ship out. So when Evan’s eyes slid to us, they were full of loathing.

But Candy and me? We were pretty much unanimous in our response.Bring it, bitch, was our silent reply.

“So, do you think you could bring the pack in today and get the ball rolling?” Windsor asked, trying to keep the desperation out of his voice and failing. This study could make or break us, and he knew it.

“I’ve already organised to meet with Haze Vanguard for a lunch meeting,” I said.

“Oh well done!” Robert’s relief was palpable. “That’s the kind of go-getting attitude I like to see. So you’ll be attending as well, Candace?”

My friend slowly turned towards me and then winked slowly.

“Um, I’ve got some things to finalise and then the handover of our projects to Su—sorry…Evan. I figured Riley’s got the priorrelationshipwith the pack. She can do the groundwork, make sure they’rehappyandsatisfiedwith the study parameters…” My foot shot out and kicked her ankle, but she continued on without a wince. “Then when she needs anextra set of hands, I can be brought in.”

Her emphasis was subtle enough to go over Robert’s head, but not mine, and by the gleam in Evan’s eyes, not his either.

“Sounds like a plan,” Robert said with a clap of his hands. “Keep me posted, please. Would daily updates be too onerous? Obviously, I don’t want to put extra work on your shoulders, but I think Gideon will be very excited to hear about this study.”

More slight frowns as I fought the urge to smirk, Evan letting out a grumpy grunt.

“Daily updates should be fine,” I assured him smoothly. “I’ll send them directly to you.”

And with that, the meeting was adjourned. Candy wrapped her arm around mine and dragged me down the hall and into my office, slamming the door behind her and waiting for the shadowy form of Suck Up Evan to pass by. She went and peered at the long slender window of frosted glass by the side of the door to see he was actually gone.

“Oh my fucking god, I almost gave myself an aneurism holding that shit in!” she hissed violently at me before collapsing on the chair in front of my desk. “But what made you change your mind? Like, I’m fucking stoked you are. The thought of that wankstain” —she jerked her thumb in the direction of Evan’s office— “getting all the kudos from what should be your study was killing me, but…”

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