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My nails sank into his scalp, scoring his skin, but I couldn’t bring myself to care as the most perfect of pleasures rolled over me. Most orgasms were like a hot bath, something I sank into and enjoyed, but this? My fantasy lovers were wrecking me for real men.

Then there was a sharp nip on my neck and a blast of hot wetness on my skin that let me know I was considerate enough to let fantasy Colt come, his panting breath racing in time with mine.

Comingout of a fantasy was always hard, but rising up out of this one was harder than anything I’d experienced. I blinked, my dream lovers slowly fading, though weirdly, it felt like I could feel the trails of their fingers for some time as I fought to catch my breath. Now I was ready for sleep, my limbs feeling like lead, but as I did so, my hand went to my neck, dimly feeling a sore spot there, before I dropped down into sleep.

“We’ll see you tomorrow, sweet mate,” a masculine voice said as the darkness reached up and claimed me.

Chapter 11

I faced the next day with a few problems. One, I slept through my alarm, waking up finally in a frantic scramble of limbs when I realised what had happened. But as I tore through the world’s fastest shower, scrubbing my hair with shampoo, I winced. My hands slowed, then moved to find there was a sore spot. I finished my shower, rinsing off my hair before stepping out and pulling my wet mane to one side to find that there on my neck was a…hickey? I frowned at it, aware that it could be caused by things other than an overenthusiastic pair of lips, but… I didn’t have time for this right now, and was forced to try and work out a way forward.

I needed my hair up for lab work, not wanting to contaminate samples with my own DNA, and it was too hot for a turtleneck. I stood in my bedroom now, looking at my options, ending up just wearing my usual pants and blouse combo but deciding to wear my hair down, which with my bright red locks, people were gonna notice.

“Hey Fanta Pants,”Candy said when I walked in the door to work. “You’re late.”

“You’re always so punctual,” Janet said. “Is everything OK?”

“I’m fine,” I replied with a smile. “No coffees this morning, but I’ll go on a run down to the café once I’ve gotten through my emails. Any messages or…?”

My voice trailed away as the two of them grinned.

I’d thought the massive bunch of flowers sitting on Janet’s desk was an office decoration or something. She brought flowers in from home sometimes. They were Janet’s love language, so when Mr Janet done fucked up, the place resembled a florist shop. But when I looked at the bouquet, full of blowsy looking peonies and crisp grey green eucalyptus leaves, my heart sank.

The two of them sat there like a couple of cats that got the cream, smug smiles on their faces. Janet pushed the arrangement towards me a little gingerly, as if she wasn’t entirely sure I wouldn’t snap, and there was a good reason for that. I eyed the flowers like one would a massive venomous spider.

“What are these—?”

“‘Thanks for the explosive night, Red’?” Candy said, obviously reciting something she’d read. My fingers delved into the delicate blooms, retrieving the card and then reading through it.

Thanks for the explosive night, Red. I can’t get your taste out of my mind, and I need more,the sloping words on the card read, right before I crumpled it in my hands.


I looked at Candy, then Janet, my heart rate thumping so hard, all I could do was stare.

What the fuck. What the actual fuck?

My terror came from the fact that the flowers were from Haze and the contents of the card meant…? My scientific brain rebelled at the assumptions I was making, but…

Was Haze there in my dream with me? Did he actually taste my—

Information, my scientific brain said, when it finally kicked in.Get more information, then we can work out what’s happening.

“I need the admission details for Haze Vanguard,” I snapped.

“Do not give her that information, Janet,” Candy said before turning to me. “Don’t chase those boys! They’re like those poor bloody greyhounds racing after the electric bunny, and you’re the robot rabbit. They’ll run after the rabbit until their legs fall off, but if it turns around and starts begging for the dick it so desperately needs?”

“I’m the robot rabbit in this picture?” I asked. “I’m a dog lure?”

“Alphas need to pursue their chosen mate, you know that,” Candy replied, slapping me on the arm. “It’s Omega 101.”

Which was, of course, the point where everyone went quiet. I stared meaningfully at my colleague, not totally wanting to grind her face in the reality of the situation, but I wasn’t above giving her a little shove.

“Shit, Riley—”

“It’s fine,” I replied tightly. “Just email me the admission forms, please, Janet.”

“Of course, but—”

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