Page 119 of Twisted Redemption

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“I’ll let you know when I find anything,” he says. “Why don’t you try to sleep?”

I laugh bitterly. “Not a chance.”

Not when my Daisy might be in trouble.

Turns out, though, it would’ve been a good idea to sleep. It takes all night for Felix to break into the servers. The wait is agonizing.

But finally—finally—he gets us access to the texts Brooke deleted.

As we read them side by side, the temperature in the room drops to subzero. If the way he’s gripping his computer mouse is any indication, the same rage that’s boiling in me must be having a similar effect on Felix.

“This piece of shit,” he hisses.

Between the texts he sent her and the letter still burning a hole in my pocket, I can see why she freaked out on me the other night. What he’s said isn’t enough to make her fully believe him. But it’s enough to make anyone doubt.

When we get to the last text message she sent, I swear. “I don’t know what her college email address is.”

“I can find it. But it’ll take more time.”

“How much more time?”

Felix rubs his face. His eyes are bloodshot. “I don’t know.”


“I’ll go as fast as I can. I’m worried about her too. But it... Jesus. I don’t have time to explain it. I’m going to need caffeine.”

“On it.” I stand.

“Grab her something, too.” He nods to Willow’s still-sleeping form on the ground. “I don’t want her harassing me about how heartless I am for starving my captives or some shit like that.”

It doesn’t take long to grab stuff from a convenience store. When I’m back, Willow is awake, perched on Felix’s desk and staring down at him.

I frown. Felix can’t stand it when anyone encroaches on his workspace. So why the hell is he letting Willow get all up in his business like that?

“Maybe she’s not as smart as I thought.” Willow yawns. “Going to her ex like that? He’s the one who attacked her, right?”

Irritation creeps over my skin as I set Felix’s energy drink on the desk and hand Willow a pre-made sandwich. Why would Brooke go to him? He tried to spin her around, to make her see things from a different—and very false—perspective, but she’s stronger than that.


When I asked you to stay away from Blaze, it wasn't because I was jealous, even though that's what you accused me of. I did it to keep you safe. He's not the man you think he is.

Brooke wouldn’t believe that. There’s no way. She knows me better than anyone else.

All the air leaves my lungs as I realize that’s exactly why she would believe David. I showed her a side of me she’d never seen before. A bitter, angry, hard side that made sure she felt every ounce of pain I did.

And then, on top of it all, I kept the truth of Francis’s murder from her.

I wouldn’t trust me, either.

IT TAKES WHAT FEELS like forever for Felix to break into Brooke’s email. By the time we have the address, it’s already late afternoon. Brooke has been gone for a day and a half.

Once we get to David’s secret house in the middle of fucking nowhere, we leave the car on the road, clinging to the treeline as we make our way closer to the house. The doors are locked, but Willow picks the back door in under sixty seconds.

“She’s getting nice to have around,” I mutter to Felix.

“Don’t get used to it.”

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