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“You cold?” Elliot frowns, and again I’m struck by the absolute sincerity in his expression.

Jesus. What is it about these men?

“N-no, not cold.” I place one hand on his shoulder, letting him hold my other one in his. It’s big and warm, and his grip is strong yet gentle.

“Why do I feel like that’s the second time you’ve lied to me today?”

Fuck. I bring my gaze down, staring at his chest. His tie is thin, perfectly knotted at his neck. “Not the second,” I say softly. “Promise.”

He gives my hand a gentle squeeze, and when I glance back up at him, he’s wearing a sad smile. “You weren’t supposed to be here with Ava, were you?”

For a moment, I stop, stumbling as Elliot takes a step and pulls me forward. But he keeps me upright, his hand on my back steadying me.

“You’re very perceptive,” is all I can manage.

With a small shrug, he says, “I overheard a bit of your conversation this morning.”

Heat creeps onto my cheeks, and I fight the urge to ask him which part. “It’s better this way. My ex is...something else.”

“I’m sorry to hear that.”

I inhale, breathing in his scent of sandalwood and oranges. It’s a calming smell, which is exactly what I need right now. I just want to forget about Adam, but instead, the fear of ending up with someone exactly like him lurks in the back of my head.

Just focus on the present, Wren.

When I look back at Elliot, I find him watching me. His thumb runs across the back of my hand, and it shoots electricity up my arm.

“You look absolutely stunning, you know.” His voice is low, and I stare as heat blooms in his eyes.

My lips part. I usually got a “nice” or “pretty” from Adam, if he complimented me at all. But absolutely stunning?

“T-thank you. You do, too. Although, I mean, you always do. With your suits and all.”

He laughs. It’s as mesmerizing as the stars. “Didn’t realize you were looking.”

“You didn’t?!” It comes out much more incredulous than I meant, and he laughs again. All of my focus goes to his mouth as it curves into a beautiful smile. His lips look soft and perfect, like they’re begging me to kiss him.

His arm tightens around my waist, and I realize he’s staring at my lips, too. As he swallows, I watch his Adam’s apple bob up and down.

Oh god. Is he going to kiss me? Is that what I want? Fuck, I don’t know what I want.

The song ends, and Elliot brings us to a halt. My dress swishes at our feet, and I look down, breaking the moment.

I regret it instantly.

“Are you thirsty?”

With a small nod from me, we head over to the refreshments table. To my relief, Elliot keeps his hand on my back. We both get some more punch.

For a few minutes, we stand by the table, admiring the heart-shaped cookies with pretty designs from the icing. “You know,” I say, turning back to him, “these cookies really are beautiful. In fact, this whole event is pretty classy, considering it’s for one of the cheesiest holidays of the year.”

Elliot laughs. “I’d have to agree with you there. Valentine’s Day always seems so fake, you know? Forced.”

“I swear, it’s the one day couples actually treat each other like they’re in love, just to go back to being shitty to each other the next day.”

My words bring my mind back to Adam. To be honest, he couldn’t even fake being a good boyfriend for a day. It was always, “Why do I have to get you flowers?” or, “It’s a stupid holiday, it’s not worth doing anything special for.”

And it just made me feel like I didn’t matter to him.

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