Page 49 of Blissful Masquerade

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I try to slide off his lap, but he holds me to him.

“What all did you hear, sweetheart?”

I turn to Elliot, and his face falls at my hurt expression. Yesterday, he made the claim that he cared about me more than any of the men who came before him. And I agreed with him. But now? Now, he just wants to forget me.


He sighs. “It’s...complicated, love.”

“Don’t call me that.”

He winces.

This was a mistake. This was a huge, giant mistake, and it’s going to make your life so much more fucking miserable.

“I want to go home.”

“Absolutely not.”

I think we’re all surprised when the words spill from Elliot’s lips. I try to squirm from Rhett’s arms, but he just holds onto me tighter.

“Not like this.” Elliot stands, coming to crouch in front of me. “I need you to understand, Wren. It’s not because I don’t want you. We all do. But our lives are...different from other people’s. It’s not easy, and it’s not always safe.”

As he explains, I remember how they’ve all avoided telling me what they do for a living. Are they spies? Assassins or something?

“I don’t understand,” I say flatly.

He rubs his face with his hands. “I guess I’m worried we’d add more stress to your life than happiness, lov- Wren.”

“But you won’t know unless you try,” I whisper. My tears have come back, and one falls onto my cheek.

He brushes it away tenderly, shaking his head. “I don’t think it’s worth the risk. You don’t know what you’re walking into.”

Then explain it to me, I want to yell.

Is this weekend the universe playing some cruel joke on me? Breaking my heart, showing me that there are kind men out there, and then ripping them from my grasp?

No. No.

I can’t watch myself fall apart again. I don’t care if it’s only been a weekend. Somehow these men have stolen my heart, in a much bigger capacity than I was prepared for.

And I can’t just walk away.

I twist, looking at Rhett. “Let me go.” When he hesitates, I brush my fingers across his cheek. “I won’t run.”

He swallows, his gaze piercing me, like he’s looking straight into my heart. And then he releases me with a sigh.

Elliot touches my arm. “Wren, I think you should—”

“No!” I shout, standing and glaring up at him. “No. You don’t get to be patient and gentle and fucking nice to me, just to do this. You don’t get to make me feel the most cared for, the most safe, the most valued I’ve ever felt in my life, just to rip it away from me because you’re afraid. I’m afraid, too, Elliot. Of this. Of getting my heart broken again. But the three of you have embedded yourselves so deeply into me that I don’t think I’ll ever get you out, so here I am. I’m fucking facing my fears, Elliot. So why can’t you?”

He just stares at me for a moment. Oliver’s mouth is hanging open, and while I can’t see Rhett, I can feel his stare burning the skin on the back of my neck.


“Don’t you dare tell me I should leave,” I whisper. Another tear falls.

He swallows. Sighs. “I think you’re right.”

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