Page 21 of Blissful Masquerade

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His arms tighten around me as he moves to the piano bench and sits back down. One of his hands runs up and down my back while the other holds me securely. “Fuck, Wren. You’re shaking so badly. Is this just from being scared?”

I bury my face in the crook of his neck. “I get nightmares when I’m stressed.”

Embarrassment creeps up onto my face. I’m acting like a kid. And I knew this was going to happen tonight—why did I just magically forget when Elliot asked me to come home with him?

“That’s awful,” Oliver murmurs. “Do you need anything? Water? Food? A blanket?” His fingers skim my bare legs, and I realize I’m in nothing but a T-shirt.

I frown, thinking. Do I need anything? Normally when this happens, I just turn on a light and read to distract my mind until I’m tired again.

But then I remember something, and I gasp, clinging to Oliver. “I heard voices!” I scan the room, looking for Rhett or Elliot. But all I find are a few empty couches and chairs and a lit fireplace.

Oliver just smiles softly, stroking my hair. “Voices? Or a voice? I was on the phone, Wren. There’s no one else here.”

But I can’t stop looking around, peering into every dark corner in the room.

Oliver grabs my face, turning me to look at him. “Wren. You’re safe. I wouldn’t let anything happen to you. I promise.”

My body finally relaxes as I look into his eyes, so genuine there’s no way I couldn’t believe him. “You were on the phone,” I murmur.

He nods. “With Elliot. He’s out working with Rhett. They’re on their way home.”

What a short shift. And what an odd time to be at work.

Oliver glances away, red filling his cheeks. “I...can’t really sleep when they’re gone.” He rubs the back of his neck.

So they do live together.

“You don’t work with them?” I run a hand through his hair, letting the feeling ground me.

“No, I do. But we didn’t want to leave you here alone.” He kisses the tip of my nose.

I tilt my head, watching him. It’s sweet—although this conversation is bringing up about ten more questions about what type of relationship these men have with each other.

“You’re still shaking.” He lifts me up and carries me to the couch, where he settles me on his lap with a blanket. “Are you tired?”

I sigh. My heart rate has returned to normal, and the feeling of the darkness chasing me disappeared the second Oliver’s arms wrapped around me. “I think I’m getting there.”

He kisses my forehead, and I quickly move to capture it with my mouth. He smiles against my lips. “Try to relax. I promise you won’t wake up alone again.”

So I do. With my head settled against his chest, I close my eyes. The sound of his steady heartbeat in my ear soothes me, and it’s not long before I’m drifting off to sleep again.



AFTER THE guys make it home, I’m able to get a few hours of sleep. But when the sun rises, so do I.

I settle into my usual morning spot—a small table in the sunroom, overlooking the front yard—and pull up an article Rhett sent me last night.

The house is quiet. Elliot took Wren back up to bed after he showered, and he won’t wake until around ten. As for Rhett, he disappeared to one of his usual hiding places, probably to brood. I don’t think he quite knows what to do with the effect Wren is having on him—on all of us.

As if my thoughts conjure her, she steps into the sunroom. She’s still only dressed in Elliot’s T-shirt, with her hair pulled into a messy bun on the top of her head.

“Morning, princess.” I sip my coffee before smiling at her, setting my phone down. The article can wait—it’s boring, anyway. “Hungry?”

She nods, stretching her arms up over her head with a yawn. Just as I thought, she’s not wearing anything underneath that shirt. Probably because I’m an ass and hid her panties from her last night.

What can I say? I was hoping for a moment like this.

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