Page 19 of Blissful Masquerade

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It only takes a minute or two before I’m close again. But based on her shallow breaths and the way she’s clenching around me, she is, too. I catch Oliver’s gaze, nodding to her body, before doing the same thing with Rhett.

They’re on her in seconds. Each of them takes a nipple into their mouth, and she screams. Her wrists pull at the restraints as she comes, and I have to hold her hips down while she pulls me over the edge with her.

She shudders as she feels me filling her, moaning when we all pull away from her at the same time. I take a moment to recover while Rhett and Oliver work on her restraints. When she’s able to sit up, she does, pushing the makeshift blindfold off her face. The second she sees me, she holds out her arms.

I climb onto the bed and pull her onto my lap. She’s shaking and panting as she wraps her arms around my neck.

“You took that so well, love.” I kiss her hairline. “So well.”

She moans into my skin before glancing at the other two. I can’t help but laugh. They’re both hard again already.

She lets out an exhausted breath. “I—I can’t...” Her head falls against my chest.

Oliver chuckles, leaning onto the bed to kiss her on the shoulder. “We know, princess. We know.”

WREN MOANS AS I carry her into the bathroom. Rhett and Oliver have already said goodnight. And then they drew her an Epsom salt bath while I got her a glass of water and she recovered in the bedroom.

Setting her on the tile floor, I hold her steady until she gains her balance. “Pee. And then you’re going to soak in the bath. It’ll help with the soreness.”

She smiles up at me, sated and sleepy, and I can’t help but kiss her. Then she disappears into the small toilet room while I step into the giant tub.

When she joins me, I pull her in between my legs, with her back settled against my stomach. She sighs, her head resting on my shoulder. “Tonight has been amazing, Elliot.”

I kiss her hair. “You’re amazing, love.” And I mean it. I never expected her to last as long as she did. Hell, I didn’t even expect her to come home with me, even while I was asking her to. The idea of her in my bed seemed too far off, too much of an untouchable fantasy.

And now she’s here, her naked body pressed against me. Her breaths have evened, and I’m pretty sure she’s already fallen into a light sleep.

“We really wore you out, huh?” I mutter into her neck. She lets out a soft moan.

I stroke her hair while we soak, staying absolutely still. When the water cools around us, she wakes with a shiver.

“Ready for bed?” I murmur in her ear.

She nods, standing slowly. I step out of the tub first, grabbing a fluffy towel and drying her off. Goosebumps cover her skin as I finish, kissing each of her inner thighs.

I dry off quickly, noticing her noticing my erection. I can’t keep my dick calm around her.

After hanging our towels up, I turn to find her with her arms outstretched. I pick her up, stifling a groan when she wraps her legs around my waist.

As I carry her to the bed, she grinds against me, all while yawning into my shoulder. I can’t help but let out a laugh. “Do you want me to fuck you to sleep, love?”

She pulls away to look at me, smiling sleepily. Then she nods. “No one’s ever done that to me before.”

I watch her as my chest shakes with silent laughter. Is she serious? Is it even possible to literally fuck someone to sleep?

She kisses me sloppily, and I realize I’m about to find out.

Once we’re settled under the covers, I pull her into a spooning position. I prop her top leg up, giving me room, and slide into her.

Fuck. How is she already so wet?

I fuck her nice and slow, not even trying to build her up to an orgasm. She sighs as I hold her to my chest.

It doesn’t even take a minute before her body sags against mine. Soft snores fill the air, and I have to stop myself from laughing.

After cleaning both of us off with a warm washcloth, I find one of my old T-shirts and pull it over her small frame. She mutters something before settling against the pillows again.

Some type of emotion expands in my chest, one that I haven’t felt toward many people. I clamp it down. Tonight has been too perfect to fuck it up by telling her how I really feel. It doesn’t matter. The fact that she’s in my bed is a miracle all by itself, and I’m not dumb enough to walk into this with any type of expectations.

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