Page 12 of Blissful Masquerade

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I shiver. “Yes.”

With a dark, satisfied smile, he leans in again. His tongue enters me, pressing against my walls, and I moan. Then he moves in and out, fucking me with his tongue like he did to my mouth earlier.

It’s not as explosive as it would be if he was giving attention to my clit, but it still makes me lose my goddamned mind. His grip on my thighs tightens as he continues, groaning into me.

I bite my lip to stifle another scream as he finally brings his tongue to my clit. Oliver and Rhett are still here somewhere, and I don’t want to make this awkward for them.

“Don’t be quiet on their account. Trust me, love. They want to hear.”

Elliot’s words cause my stomach to tighten. “They—they do?”

He sucks my clit into his mouth before responding, releasing it with a lick. “Did you not see the way they were looking at you earlier? Let them hear that you’re satisfied.”

It’s then that he releases one of my hips. As his tongue works me over, I feel two of his fingers sliding into me. I fall back onto the mattress with a loud moan.

He falls into a pattern, curling his fingers against my walls until he finds a spot that makes me cry out. With a smirk, he goes back to licking my clit. And with his fingers inside of me, hitting that same spot over and over, and his tongue completely wrecking me, I can’t help it. I scream his name so loudly that I’ll probably never get over the embarrassment in the morning.

He adds more pressure with his fingers, sucking on my clit, and I come so hard that I scream again. He leans back, watching me, moving his fingers in and out.

“Elliot, oh god—Elliot, I—” I give up on trying to form a coherent sentence. Instead, I groan when he pulls his fingers out of me.

Panting, I prop myself up on my elbows and watch as he sucks my arousal off his fingers. His eyes slide closed as he moans.

“You taste better than I ever could’ve imagined.”

My head is still spinning, so I don’t move when he crawls on top of me. He kisses me, his tongue entering my mouth so I can taste myself. When he pulls away, I run my hand over his belt, settling on the bulge in his pants.

“Your turn?” I say breathlessly.

With a smirk, he climbs off of me and stands. “Not yet. I’m nowhere near finished with you, love.”

I crawl to the edge of the bed, grabbing onto his shirtsleeve. “At least take this off? I want to see you.” Without thinking, I kiss the palm of his hand, and then each of his fingers. When I get to his thumb, I take it into my mouth and suck. He groans.

After I release it, his hands move to the top of his shirt, undoing a few buttons. I can see the outlines of a tattoo peaking through, but I can’t make out what it is yet.

“More,” I say, and it comes out sounding like a whine.

He raises his eyebrows, but before he’s able to retort, there’s a knock on the bedroom door.

My eyes widen. Rhett and Oliver know exactly what we’re doing. So why would one of them come knocking on the door? Unless...

Elliot lowers himself to a crouch in front of me. With an even gaze, he takes my hands. “They want to watch.”


He stares at me, gauging my reaction. “Is that okay with you?”

I swallow, my eyes flitting to the door. Is it okay with me? They watched us earlier, and it was outside of what I’m used to doing, but I’d be lying if I said I didn’t think it was hot.

Besides, I’m the reason Rhett and Oliver came home alone tonight.

No, I think to myself. If you’re going to do this, it can’t be out of a feeling of obligation. You won’t be able to stay in the moment.

“Wren.” Elliot squeezes my hands, and I expect him to press me for an answer. But instead, he says, “If it makes you even the slightest bit uncomfortable, I want you to say no. Need you to say no.”

I hesitate, thinking this through. Was this their plan all night? Flirt with me, have one of them bring me home, and then the other two get to watch? The thought feels dirty.

But as I look at Elliot, at the relaxed sincerity on his face, I know that can’t be true. I have a feeling Oliver and Rhett knocked on the door with absolutely no expectations at all.

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