Page 94 of Deepest Obsession

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Since I ran from Dominic’s house two weeks ago, I haven’t heard a single thing from Alexander—or anyone, except Brooke, demanding if I knew he was responsible for Francis’s death.

The note I left behind was clear: leave me the fuck alone.

And for two weeks, everyone had. I moved back in with Rachel and Victoria, got my old job back easily, and I’ve settled back into my pre-Alexander life.

I wish I could say it’s been blissful. I really, really do. But it’s been anything but.

When I finally make eye contact with him, my stomach drops. The moment he pushed Tristan into the pool flashes through my mind, and I instantly look away.

“What do you want?” My voice comes out icy and thin.

“I think you already know the answer to that, little bird.”

My face heats at the use of my nickname. Who does he think he is, that he can lie to me the way he did and still think I’ll fall at his feet whenever he wants?

“Fuck off.”

He raises an eyebrow, a hint of frustration showing through his otherwise-cool facade. “When do you get off?”

“None of your goddamn business. I want nothing to do with you.”

I feel a presence behind me and turn to find Lissa glaring at Alexander. She’s gripping a sleeve of to-go lids so hard we’ll have to throw a couple of them away.

“Get out,” she says. Her voice wavers, but her chin is held high. “Stop harassing my coworker, or I’ll call the police.”

Alexander’s eyes darken, barely flitting to Lissa for more than a second. “I’m not done with you, Sophia.”

“Then you’ll have the police to deal with,” Lissa says, coming to stand next to me. “Now leave.”

With a murderous glance in her direction, he spins on his heels and heads for the exit. Once the door closes behind him, I let myself relax.

“I never should’ve encouraged you to go out with him,” Lissa murmurs, half to herself. She slides an arm around my shoulders.

I’m grateful for the comfort, but I can’t take my eyes off the door.

Alexander lied to me. Killed people. Humiliated me in front of all his friends. So why is there a small portion of my heart that’s happy that he’s still chasing after me?

“Soph!” Lissa snaps her fingers in front of my face. “Get that lying bastard out of your head. He’s not worth the brain power.”

I told her as much as I could without incriminating Alexander, which wasn’t much. But she knows enough to hate his guts.

“I wish it was that easy,” I say, taking the sleeve of lids from her. And it’s true. I really do wish I hated Alexander. It would make seeing him so much easier.

But no, instead I’m stuck between dread and lust. Betrayal and want. Fear and need.

For the next hour, I do my best to forget about Alexander. But after my fourth messed-up order in a row, Lissa orders me home.

The air is a bit on the chilly side, since it’s finally started to cool down. But I decide to walk home anyway. Anything to clear my head.

As I pass by the shop’s storefront, I consider taking the long way home. It may be chilly, but the sun is shining, and it’s been a while since I’ve taken a walk just for a walk’s sake. In fact, the last time was when Alexander and I hiked through the woods behind his house and I told him the truth about Tristan.

I take a deep breath to keep the tears at bay, ducking my head as a woman walks by. But I only make it a few steps before I run into the human equivalent of a brick wall.

Stumbling backwards, I glare up at him. “Why can’t you just leave me alone?”

“What part of I’m not losing you do you not understand? I’m not done with you, Sophia. I never will be.”

“That’s too bad. Because I’m done with you.” Even as I say it, I know it’s not true—and it shows in the lack of emotion in my voice.

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