Page 88 of Deepest Obsession

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WHEN I wake up, I’m in bed alone. The sky has darkened, but the lamp on the bedside table glows softly.

With a smile, I ease myself into a sitting position. I’m sore, but I’ve never felt this satisfied before.

After a while, I lost track of everything—the time, the fact that the Graysons were downstairs, how many times I came—everything.

I find my clothes and slip them on. It’s chilly without the covers from the bed covering me, so I grab one of Xander’s hoodies. I have a feeling he won’t mind.

Downstairs, everyone is settled in the living room. Well, everyone except Brooke. She’s standing by the mantle, arms wrapped around her waist, staring out the window.

“Ah, you’re awake.” Dominic grins at me, a sparkle in his eyes.

Blushing, I lower myself onto the couch next to Xander, just to get pulled onto his lap. He plants a kiss on my hairline.

Dominic leans back in his chair. “We were just finishing up our plans. Felix is at the office working to prove that the photo of Alex is fake. We have a few leads to take down Tristan and David. Mainly, David’s maid and a few guys who are going to tail them.”

I narrow my eyes. “You don’t think they know how to watch their backs?”

“Oh, on the contrary, they do. We’ve tried simply following them before, but it hasn’t worked. So we’re setting up a more... complex system. No one car will be on their tail long enough for them to get suspicious.”

Clever. I’ve never thought of using multiple cars to follow someone before—probably because I’ve never needed to.

“We’ll take them down soon enough, sweetheart. Until then, I want you here with me. You’ll be safe.”

“What if Tristan finds out?” I shiver. After he gave up the leverage he had over me, I thought my fear of him would fade. But it hasn’t. Not one bit.

“Let him.” Blaze leans forward, placing his elbows on his knees and clasping his hands. “He has nothing over you two anymore. All we need to worry about is clearing Alex’s name and keeping you two safe. Both should be a piece of cake for us.”

Sighing, I lean into Xander. His arms come around me and hold me close. A piece of cake. A piece of cake? “They’ve already broken into two of our houses. How can this be easy?”

Xander chuckles. “Your house isn’t exactly a fortress.”

“And I forgot to set my alarm the night David broke into my house.” Brooke turns to face us. It’s the first time she’s spoken since I walked in.

“Which won’t happen again,” Blaze says, shooting her a dark look. She rolls her eyes and turns away.

“We’ll make sure you’re safe, Soph,” Dominic says. “And Blaze isn’t leaving Brooke’s side. Just trust us, okay? Protecting people is what we do for a living.”

I nod, staring at the floor. Trust. After all they’ve hidden from me for the past few weeks? Dominic caught me up to speed on Tristan and David’s operation, but it still feels like I don’t have the whole story.

Blaze stands. “Actually, I was thinking we should head home. That okay with you, Brooke?”

She turns to look at me and Xander. “You’re sure this is all going to get cleared up? I don’t want this to be the last time I see Alex not behind bars.”

“I’ll be fine.” Xander’s voice is deep and calm, without a hint of worry. “It’s a bullshit accusation anyway.”

Blaze and Dominic share a look with each other. Xander’s grip around my waist tightens and doesn’t relax until we’re standing to walk everyone out.

At the door, Dominic turns to Xander. “Sophia should come home with me. She’s safer there until we can upgrade your security. And all of her stuff is there.”

I’m about to protest, but he places a finger over my lips. “One night.”

With a tight hug, I leave with Dominic. It only takes a few minutes to get to his house. The whole time, I sit in silence, question after question flitting through my mind.

Yet whenever I open my mouth to ask one, I stop myself. Dominic has already told me everything he thinks I need to know. He’s always been so cool-headed. Measured. No amount of begging or pestering is going to get him to open up.

My only option is to trust them.

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