Page 79 of Deepest Obsession

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“You’re going to burn your hair.”

“Shit!” I release my hair from the curling iron and yank it away from my head. The curl falls onto my ear, burning hot.

Xander steps up behind me. Lightly, his hand touches my waist. “Are you all right?”

“Just distracted.” I give him a smile in the mirror before moving on to the next strand of my hair.

He doesn’t move. Instead, he fingers the light blue fabric of my dress. “You’re not wearing this.”

My heart practically stops. I know for a fact that this dress looks beautiful on me. “Excuse me?”

“You’re wearing the yellow one.” He leans into me until my hips are pinned to the counter. His erection presses against my back.

I let out a soft breath. Meeting his gaze in the mirror, I see a heat in them that’s been missing since last night. “Xan...”

“You’re wearing the yellow one, no questions asked. And later, I’m going to make sure the only thing you think of when you see that dress is me.”

My cheeks are turning pink, and I know my eyes are wide with hope.

He wants me. He wants me. I’d say he’s faking it in case Tristan is watching somehow, but if he was, Xan wouldn’t be making me wear the dress.

And I can’t deny the burning passion in his eyes. You can’t fake that—you just can’t.

Xander kisses my neck lightly before grabbing his towel and walking out.

Leaning against the counter, I do my best to catch my breath. I can still feel where he touched me. My skin burns with heat, the kind that only Xander has ever been able to pull out of me.

Maybe there still is hope.

I finish getting ready as quickly as I can before changing dresses. When I do my final check in the full-length mirror leaning against Xander’s wall, I frown.

This shade of yellow really isn’t my color. It’s one of Rachel’s old dresses, and she insisted I take it because the cut looks great on me. But the shade? Yuck.

With a sigh, I turn away from the mirror. At least my hair looks nice.

“Ready?” Xander says from the doorway.

“Sure.” Grabbing my phone, I head over to him.

As we walk down to the garage, he keeps a hand on the small of my back. My heart skips a beat when he opens the car door for me and holds my little purse as I get inside.

Thankfully, the car ride to Everly’s is silent. I don’t know if I can handle trying to maintain a conversation while my head is racing as fast as my heart.

He still wants me.

But what if he’s just performing?

Then why is he still acting possessive of me, if he doesn’t care about me anymore?

I distract myself by scrolling through social media. Lissa has posted a few pictures of her cat, and Rachel and Victoria are happily sipping mimosas on a beach with their family.

My scroll stops when a picture of Dominic pops up. He’s trailing behind a little girl riding a bike, holding onto the seat. The caption says, “Growing up too fast.”

Narrowing my eyes, I tap on the profile of the woman who posted and tagged him in the photo—Jade Albright. The only mutual friend we have is Dominic, so she’s not family with the Graysons. And I’d imagine that if they were dating, she’d be friends with Blaze.

I scroll through Jade’s profile, but she has most of her posts private. So I head to Dominic’s profile, even while thinking to myself that his personal life really isn’t any of my business.

Once his profile loads, I frown. The picture of the little girl on the bike is gone. I refresh the page, since the photo had only been posted a few minutes ago, but still nothing. And when I go back to Jade’s profile, the photo has vanished there, too.

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