Page 2 of Deepest Obsession

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He gives me a relieved look. “Thanks so much, Sophia.”

“Have a good day,” I say as he turns and practically runs out of the shop. “And fix your shirt!”

I finish pouring Alexander’s coffee and hand it to him, only to find that his jaw is clenched. He’s glaring after Brent.

I raise an eyebrow. “Still pointlessly jealous, huh?”

He directs his glare at me. “Excuse me?”

My mouth opens, but words don’t come out. Did I actually say that out loud? What the hell is wrong with me?

He steps closer to the counter, gripping his coffee so tightly I’m afraid the lid is going to pop off. “I see you still don’t know when it’s in your best interest to keep your fucking mouth shut.” With that, he turns on his heel and stalks out.

As he leaves, I catch a scent of his cologne—the same one from when we were in high school. Citrus and bergamot. My eyes flutter closed as I remember his lips on mine, his hand pinning mine to the bed, his other under my shirt. How I had absolutely no control but felt the freest I ever had.

That is when I felt like I was soaring.

“You good?” Lissa is giving me a weird look, and I realize I’ve just been standing at the register, eyes closed, thinking about—

No. No, don’t go back there.

I swallow. “Never been better.” I glance at the door, but Alexander is already long gone.

It’s for the best. It’s been almost five years. After I graduated, I was pulled out of his world, my world, and I haven’t seen any of my old friends since.

For a few more seconds, I let myself remember the way I was his, how he always had a protective hand on me. How I’d melt for him in a matter of seconds. And then I lock the memories in the back of my mind, where they belong.

The past is the past, and that’s where it needs to stay.

FOR THE REST of the week, Alexander comes back to the coffee shop every morning. He doesn’t say much to me, just orders his black coffee and glares as I make Brent’s ahead of time and have it ready for him.

Brent has been a regular for about a year. His eyes always linger on me, but he’s never asked me out. To be honest, he barely even flirts with me—although he does tip well. Lissa says he’s just shy, but sometimes I think she’s imagining things.

But today, that changes.

“Hey, can I grab a muffin, too?” he says, pulling his card out of his wallet. “A blueberry one, please.”

“Of course.” I grab a paper bag and the tongs. “No time for breakfast this morning?”

Brent lets out a sigh. “I take care of my mom during the nights. Makes it easy to sleep through my alarm. Feels like single parenting sometimes.”

“I’d imagine.” I hand him his muffin, then his coffee. “Well, have a great day!”

He smiles, then hesitates. “Did you do something different with your hair today?”

“I did, yeah. Just changed the way I part it.” A blush creeps onto my cheeks. It intensifies as I feel Alexander’s glare on me. It’s like every word that comes out of Brent’s mouth makes him angrier and angrier.

“It looks nice.” Brent’s tone is soft, his eyes kind.

“Thanks.” I smile timidly.

Alexander is sitting at a table near the counter, close enough to hear our conversation. I can practically feel the agitation rolling off of him.

I’d forgotten how possessive he can be.

Brent leaves with a smile, and I let out a breath.

Lissa nudges me. “He’s got it so bad for you.”

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