Page 13 of Deepest Obsession

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I pause, a sleeve of medium cups hanging from my hand. A part of me wants to tell Lissa everything, about how magical it was to be in his arms, but how his father hated mine for some reason. How I gave Alexander my heart, just for him to shatter it the same way his father shattered my father.

But I can’t get into all of that right now. My heart can’t re-live that pain again.

So I just say, “He broke my heart. I don’t know if I trust him.”

Lissa makes a low sound, signaling that she understands.

For the next half hour, we work in silence. I can’t get the feel of Alexander out of my head. The way he touched me. Filled me. Tore me apart.

The morning drags by, and I down coffee after coffee to keep myself upright. When Brent comes in, I realize I’ve forgotten to make his drink.

I ring him out. “Sorry, it’ll just be a few minutes.”

“No worries. I’m a bit early today.” He smiles at me from across the counter as he swipes his card. His soft brown eyes glint in the sunlight, holding my gaze. For a second, he looks like he’s going to say something else, but then he steps back with a small nod.

I glance at the clock on the wall. It’s 9:55. “Damn. Proud of you.” I shoot him a smile as I grab a cup to pour his coffee.

The little bell on the front door rings as I hand Brent his cup. Our fingers brush, and he pauses, catching my gaze again.

“I hope you have a lovely day, Sophia,” he says softly. Sincerely. And then he turns, bumping into a tall, stiff figure on his way out.


A scowl is etched onto his face, and he glares after Brent.

Irritation flashes through me. “Why do you hate him so much? He’s a nice guy.”

Alexander’s gaze cuts to mine, still hard, but without hate. “I detest any man who looks at you for longer than he has to.”

I snort, and I hear Lissa let out a small giggle behind me.

“Do you want your usual?” I try to keep my voice tense, but the second I look at him, everything inside me softens.


I quickly pour him a black coffee and shove it into his hands. “Two dollars.”

He already has his wallet in his hands, and he pulls out a bill and sets it on the counter. “Keep the change.” With that, he turns on his heel and stalks out.

“Fucking hell,” Lissa whispers as she steps up next to me.

We both stare at the hundred-dollar bill sitting on the counter. It ignites so many different emotions in me. Anger. Gratitude. Suspicion.

Is he flaunting his wealth in front of me, reminding me what could be mine if I let myself fall for him again? Did guilt finally overtake him after dropping me off at my house? Or is he trying to buy me? Because he fucking can’t.

“We’re gonna split that, right?” Lissa says as I open the register and put the bill in the empty slot for bigger bills.

Yanking $98 out, I say, “You can have it all,” before shoving it into her hands and storming outside.

“Alexander!” I shout, crossing the sidewalk to him.

He’s watching me, leaning against his sleek, gray car and sipping his coffee calmly.

“You can’t buy me,” I snap.

“I don’t need to, little bird.”

I bristle at the use of my pet name. It may have had me begging for him last night, but now? Now it feels manipulative. Demeaning.

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