Page 4 of Tempting You

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“Does it make me a bitch to say I wasn’t that sad when I found out he was cheating?” Jade gives me a look of derision, and I smile. “Okay, fine, at first I was hurt obviously. But once I thought about my relationship with him, I realized we were drifting apart, and in the end, being away from him is the best thing since he can’t keep himself to one woman.”

Jade eyes me curiously. “So what, you were just with him for that long because the sex was good?” she jokes, but a look of caution replaces her smile, and I take a breath, readying myself for what I’m about to confess.

“The sex was awful,” I admit, her eyes bulging as I take a sip of my drink. “At first, it was great. We were all over each other and couldn’t go a few days without ending up in bed. But after about a year, I wanted more.”

She eyes me again, curious. “What do you mean you wanted more, like volume?”

I laugh, shaking my head. “No, I wanted more intensity, more variety, and Brad refused to change. So our sex life tanked after that.”

“I can see why you guys drifted apart,” she says somberly. I nod, knowing that finding out he was a cheating bastard was the best thing to ever happen to me. Even if I never met Ian.

“So,” Jade inquires after the server leaves, “are you going to the bar?” I’ve thought about this for the past few days, and the more time that passes, the more I want to see him. The more I try to push the thought of him out of my head, the more time he spends there. So I know I have to see where this goes.

“Yeah, I am.” She shakes her head, taking a sip of her mimosa as if she knows how this is going to end. But for me, this is the start of something new and exciting, and I can’t wait to see him tonight.

The second the bar door shuts behind me and I lock eyes with Ian, I know I’ve made the right choice. He yells to his partner that he’s taking a break, and before I can say a word, his fingers are laced with mine as he pulls me down a dark hallway and into a room that looks like an office.

I open my mouth to ask what he’s doing, but I don’t have the chance to utter a word. His mouth is on mine, and his hands find the edge of my skirt. Did I wear this outfit on purpose, hoping this would happen? Maybe? All I can say is that I’m glad I did because the feel of his calloused fingers against my inner thigh is causing my brain to short-circuit.

“Goddamn, I thought I embellished how good you tasted, but fuck, my memory didn’t do you justice.” I groan, my hips circling, wanting more than what he’s giving me. “You have no idea how many hours I’ve spent watching that front door,” he admits, and my heart stutters, liking that confession a little too much.

“Ian,” I whisper, my fingers tugging at the hair on the back of his neck, wanting his lips, but he shakes his head as he ignores my pleas and kisses down my neck. “Please…” He shakes his head again as his eyes lift to mine. The hunger I see gazing back at me causes wetness to pool between my legs, and when I cross my legs, needing some kind of friction, he smirks.

“Nope, none of that,” he murmurs, taking my knees and spreading them apart before taking both my wrists in one of his hands and lifting them above my head. My intake of breath takes us both off guard, and something unlocks inside my brain. “You like that, don’t you, baby?” he whispers against the shell of my ear, nipping at the lobe as his fingers tighten on my wrists. I nod because being restrained is something I’ve thought about but never tried, and fucking hell, is it turning me on.

“Ian?” My uncertainty is clear as his eyes soften and he kisses me lightly.

“You like the idea of being restrained? Was that something you wanted to try and couldn’t?” He doesn’t say why, but we both know the answer before I nod. “Fucking sexy as hell,” he mutters before kissing me one more time. “I want you to keep those hands right there for me, okay? No moving.” I nod, his eyes darkening. “Good girl.”

“Shit,” I moan, my hips circling because those two words cause an inferno to light within me.

“Interesting. We will definitely be coming back to that. But for now, I want to see how you taste.” And before I can say a word, Ian sinks to his knees and pushes up my skirt. Within a second, his tongue dips through my dripping-wet folds, and I’m lost.

It doesn’t take long before he has me on edge, but just when I’m about to fall over, my hand grasps his hair, and he stops instantly. My eyes fall to his in a panic, my chest heaving as that smirk plays on the edge of his lips. I know exactly what he’s about to say.

“I told you to keep those hands above your head. Only good girls who listen get rewarded.” My head thumps against the wooden door behind me as I close my eyes and lift my hands once more, grasping the trim around the door for support. “That’s a good girl. Keep them right there.” I groan, my legs giving out as his tongue continues its ministrations, taking me over the edge in rapid succession. Before I know it, his fingers join the party, plunging inside my wet heat, and soon, I’m cresting over the hill once more, screaming his name.

Chapter 5


The taste of her still lingers on my lips as I place the plate of food in front of her, and I know that this “benefits arrangement” we have going on will burn me hard. The longer I spend with her, the more I want to know and the more I want to taste, and that’s a deadly combination for a guy who could get burned at the end of this. As she devours her meal, I take a moment to really take her in. And not for the first time tonight, I wonder where she’s been all my life.

“You need to stop staring at me like that. You’re going to give me a complex.” I smirk, loving the color that dusts her cheeks and nose. I wasn’t lying when I told her I’d been watching the front door for days because meeting her rocked the foundation I thought was solid beneath my feet, but it turns out it crumbled with one look from her gorgeous blue eyes.

“Maybe that’s what you deserve,” I whisper, taking her lips in a soft kiss before walking away to serve more drinks. Once we were done in my office, we both righted ourselves, and I asked her to stay until my shift ended. She shyly said yes just as her stomach rumbled loudly, and I knew I needed to get some food into her. I wanted to fill her with so much more than food, but I vowed when I dropped her off at home that I would let her decide how far this goes and how fast. Yet after tonight, that might be a bit harder to stand behind.

“So…” she says, clearing her throat. Her eyes dart around the room, and I smile at her avoidance of my gaze. “What made you buy this place?” I place both hands on the bar and lean forward, my eyes taking in everything around us and trying to see it from her perspective.

“You’re not the first one to think I don’t fit in here, your ex included.” Her eyes darken at the mention of her ex, but she shakes her head, shoving aside her plate and holding my gaze.

“That’s not what I meant. It never occurred to me that you might not fit in here.” I tilt my head, not believing her, and I open my mouth to say just that, but she continues before I can get a word in. “What I meant was, you seem young to own a bar.”

“I came into an inheritance when I turned eighteen and never had the desire to go to college. I wanted to make something of myself, so I found this place and bought it.” Her eyes linger on my lips, and I wonder if anything I just said bothered her, so I ask.

“Why would any of that bother me?”

“Most people have that reaction when I say I never went to college. Most of the clientele here spent hundreds of thousands of dollars to make the money they do, and they always assume I don’t know what I’m doing because I don’t have a degree.” I half expected her to agree with the statement, but she burst out laughing.

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