Page 45 of Fastball

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I smile, knowing that Mel is finally doing what she loves without strings attached.

“You know, she told me last night that she’s overwhelmed with the number of kids that want to sign up for classes. She might need to hire someone to help her out.” I brace for the fight, but he just nods.

“That would probably be wise. That girl already works too hard.” He leans back in his chair and finally looks at me.

“I know,” I admit, smiling. “I’m happy for her. You still okay with her being here?” I ask, not really knowing exactly how he feels. He might like the popularity, the numbers, but I’m always worried he won’t appreciate the extra cost.

“Harper, I know I’m a hard man to crack sometimes, but I’m very happy Mel’s here. She’s your best friend and a great dance teacher for those kids. Plus, her being here makes you happy, and if you’re happy here then I know you’ll stick around.”

My eyes soften as I make my way over to where he sits, leaning down and kissing his forehead.

“I would never leave this place. This is where Dad wanted to be when he retired and it’s where I want to be now. I’m very happy here.” I smile, turning my back as I make my way toward his door. “Besides, who else would clean up after you?” I tease as I head into the gym hearing his chuckle behind me.

I look around for Josh but don’t see him anywhere, that is until I feel a pair of very strong arms wrap around me from behind.

“Are you ready to get me back in shape?” he asks.

I notice Mel from across the room smirking as she makes her way upstairs as I turn back toward Josh.

“You better be ready; I’m going to kick your ass.”

He wraps his arms around me once more as our lips meet in a kiss that leaves me breathless.

“I can’t wait,” he whispers, and I know in that moment that everything is the way it should be, and I breathe deeply knowing that no matter what comes next, Josh will be right there next to me.

