Page 19 of Outside the Pack

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“You’ll be twenty in just a few hours, when the moon reaches its apex in the sky. After I claim my position as Alpha, I’m going to come back here and take your virginity from you.”

I gasped sharply. “N-no. You c-can’t!”

“But I can, Bryn. As Alpha, no one can stop me, and you’ll be bound to me for the rest of your pathetic little life.” He pressed his hand against the wall next to my head and leaned in close, overwhelming me with the miasma of his presence. “Then you will never find another mate. No one would have you once your purity is mine. And you, poor thing, will live as my slave for the rest of your days.”

He stepped back. Tears continued to drip from my chin as the awful enormity of what he’d just said slammed into me.

“What a sad face. I’ll tell you what, Bryn—if you’re a good little girl, I’ll let you suck my cock every night before bed. After all, it’s the best treatment you can hope for.”

I felt myself beginning to get sick again, but I didn’t understand. I couldn’t understand what Troy could mean. “But why? Why would you want to claim me when you hate me so much?”

Something in him snapped. He spat at me. The glob, cooling en route, landed on my cheek and slid down my chin. I almost vomited right then, but somehow I kept it together. It was probably the fear of what he’d do to me if I dirtied his floor.

He came at me again, growling in anger. “How stupid can you be? I would never want to be with filth like you. I would never taint my line with your weak blood. No, you are mated to me, and you’ll never be with another man. But make no fucking mistake, Bryn—I’ll tear your body apart with this cock, but I will never claim you.”

My head swam. I-it doesn’t matter! I’m human, so he can’t bind me to him forever. It doesn’t work like that! I wanted to introduce some hope to the situation, but even that bit of comfort couldn’t compete with the bleak future Troy proposed. Doesn’t matter whether you’re wolf or human. He’s still going to rape you tonight, and he’s going to force you to be his slave. And no one will save you. Not even Mom.

As if he knew the dark path my thoughts had taken, he laughed at me again and reached between my legs. He gripped my sex in his hand and squeezed hard enough for me to cry out. And then, just when I thought the pain would be too much, he pulled back and slapped me across the face. Pain sparked across my cheek as I blinked stars out of my vision.

“Don’t worry, Bryn, there will be plenty more where that came from.” He started to walk toward the door. “I’ve got a challenge ceremony to prepare for, but I’ll see you tonight.” He sent one more awful smile at me before walking through the door.

My head fell, and tears poured and poured out of me. I knew it was over. Troy had won. If only a dashing knight would appear to whisk me away to safety. But no, that was just a desperate attempt to escape into fantasy and away from the awful reality that I faced now.



I bounced on the balls of my feet and flexed my muscles in anticipation of what was to come. The winter air was crisp and clear, the silver, full moon hung high and pregnant in the dark sky, and all I could think was that it was a perfect night for staging a takeover. My wolf whined and panted within me, practically turning in circles, eager to get things started. I couldn’t blame my wolf for being so hyped up. The smell of the excitement in the Kings’ compound, combined with the knowledge of what I was about to accomplish, would make any wolf lose its shit.

Tonight, I would end the reign of the Redwolf Alphas. My mother could go on and on about destiny all she wanted, but tonight? I would take my fate into my own hands, take back what belonged to me, and I would lift the Wargs up to our rightful place at the top.

I knew there would be fallout once I killed Troy. I knew that the Kings would be worried about what I was going to do to them, but I had thought this through. I wasn’t a tyrant—those who wanted to leave could leave if they wanted, and those who wanted to challenge me for the position could try. It was within their right. All I wanted to do was restore some balance to the Idaho panhandle. And all I had to do was get rid of the cruel little boy who stood in my way.

I was ready and rearing to go, but I kept my focus turned outward, not in. I heard Dom’s footsteps approaching from behind, even though he was trying to keep quiet. I felt more in tune with the area around me and my senses than ever before. I felt alive.

“What’s up?” I asked, turning to Dom.

“The squads are in position. They’re ready for your command.”

I grinned slowly. My wolves and I were closer to the compound than we’d been last night, but not so close that we weren’t able to mask our scent. The extra precaution wasn’t necessary. As I suspected, all of the Kings’ pack was in attendance for the Alpha ceremony, including their hunters and sentries. We scouted around the compound once an hour just to make sure that their borders remained unprotected and, of course, nothing had changed.

I chuckled to myself and shook my head. What a shame, the new Kings’ Alpha is too cocky for his own good. He would leave his pack unprotected just to make sure that everyone is present to see his coronation.

“Listen, Dom.” I turned to my beta. “There are still a few hours before the ceremony, so I want to use that time to our advantage.”

Dom raised a brow. “I’m almost afraid to ask, but how are you planning on using that time?”

“I want to enter from their own compound when I announce that I’m here to challenge him as Alpha. I want to see the look on his face when he realizes how easy it was for me to get in.” If Troy’s men tried to apprehend me, my hunters would emerge from the forest and surround them, thus leveling the playing field.

“Wow. That’s…not exactly what I was expecting to hear from you. What are you going to do while you’re over there?”

“I’ll probably do some snooping in his cabin.” Why not? It would be mine after tonight anyway.

Dom let out a long-suffering sigh and shook his head. “You’re just full of good ideas tonight, aren’t you? Well, when it’s time, I’ll let our team know you’re doing recon and to wait for your signal.”

I reached over to ruffle Dom’s hair, just as I knew my beta and oldest friend hated. “That’s what I keep you around for, Dom.” I was in a rare mood tonight. But then, on the eve of my ascension, I figured I was allowed to let loose a little.

“Really?” Dom moved out of my reach, his hair mussed into an unfortunate mop on his head. He patted it back into place, glaring at me. “You just make sure you get out of there at the first sign of trouble, got it?”
