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Her breath catches as I bring my fingers to my mouth and suck the ends.

“I was right,” I say. “My weather girl wants me bad.”

With that, I squeeze her mound asser

tively and take her protruding nipple into my mouth.

My girl loses control and grips the wheel with whitened knuckles. The fingers of her other hand are digging into my shoulder. She’s biting down hard on her lips so as not to make a sound, so hard her lips are turning white. Her eyes are closed and her hips have slammed into my hand. Her whole body shudders. She’s trying so hard to make no noise as the climax washes over her.

“Easy, baby. I got you. Let it out.”

She rides out the rest of her orgasm by pretending to sneeze and then laugh about it.

“Hoo, that was a big one!” she says aloud, for everyone else’s benefit.

There’s a chorus of “bless you”s, and when she’s satisfied nobody could tell what we just did, she relaxes back against my chest.

I smile and murmur again in her ear, “Just wait until I get you home. Won’t be no mistaking; Santa’s gonna come down the chimney while you’re screaming my name.”

Violet suddenly shouts from the back seat, “Santa Claus!”

Chapter 13


I register what’s happening in front of me.

Along the side of the road is a snowy, reddish shape coming out of a small truck that has skidded and tipped over onto its side. Struggling to extricate himself out through the driver side window is a man in a red suit. And it’s a good thing this man in red is not as portly as the Santa Claus we normally think of in the United States’ version of Saint Nicholas, but he’s still not exactly slim.

“Got room back there for one more, Violet?” Bear says. Bear doesn’t seem disturbed in the least by the scene playing out in front of us.

“Baby, if we ain’t got room for Santa Claus, we”re all waking up to coal in our stockings,” Violet says.

Well, as it turns out, not only can you not leave Santa by the side of the road, you also cannot leave his sack of presents behind.

This time, all of us hop out of the truck to help—all except the person who’s just delivered a baby on Christmas Eve.

Rescuing Santa from an overturned truck also feels a little bit like childbirth. The driver side door is stuck, but luckily the old truck had a hand-crank window that allowed him to get himself halfway out.

What happens next is not unlike Rabbit pulling Winnie the Pooh out of his cave. Bear has hold of one arm, Jacob the other, while Violet and Wiseman and I work to help him shimmy out his middle section through the window.

The snowflakes and freezing rain are pelting my face and I can barely see what I’m doing. But eventually we get the fat man out of the truck and safely inside the cab of the tow truck and we’re assessing his injuries.

“Thank you everyone,” he says, feeling a little sheepish as I’m examining his fingers, his face. Violet is handing over the last available blanket and sweaters to cover him. “But I’m just fine. If you could just drop me off downtown next to the convention center, I’m supposed to make an appearance at the Potter Finance Christmas party tonight. I have a bag full of new game systems for all those kids.”

I shake my head, “No way, Santa. We gotta get you to the hospital and get you checked out for frostbite.”

Bear grunts out some cuss words about Potter Finance. “I think the slumlords and their kids are already getting plenty of presents from Santa this year,” he says.

So, to recap, in the back seat we have baby Mary-Violet, Liz, Jacob, Violet and the sack of toys. In the front seat, Trey Wiseman with a baby camel on his lap, me on Bear’s lap, and Santa Claus in the middle. This time, I’m facing the other direction, my back against the window, to make more room for Santa’s “man-spread.” I’ll just say that it’s a good thing I’m small. And it’s a good thing Santa knows how to drive a stick, or else Bear would have to reach between Santa’s knees to shift.

I have never been so happy to see a hospital in my entire life.

Violet has phoned the emergency room and told them we’re bringing a fresh new baby and mama to the ER, a camel with PTSD, and a Santa Claus with possible frostbite who was banged up in a car wreck.

Bear’s plow clears a path all the way to the doors of the ER, where nurses are waiting in the vestibule with a wheelchair.

Santa also disembarks with his bag of toys and so does Violet, after we help Liz and Jacob out.
