Page 95 of Good Girl

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“Good instincts,” he said, reaching over and flicking invisible lint from Bren’s jacket, only for him to grab Marcus by the wrist.

“Don’t you think it’s time to fill us in on your grand plan?”

The smile faded, and for a second, Marcus looked impossibly young, a flashback to the golden youth in the forest, but this one was weighed down by the world’s problems, some of that omnipresent certainty gone. Then his eyes dropped down to where Bren gripped him, softening perceptibly.

“I can’t. Plausible deniability is a key component to what will shield you, and I’m going for that, not p

rotecting your feelings, I’m afraid. I played this over and over in my head, but I couldn’t find another way, Brendan, so this is how it needs to go. You’re armed?”

“Of course,” Bren replied, almost offended.

“Stay on Cyn like flies on shit. It won’t help. He’ll get to her somehow, I know it. I just can’t work out how yet. Drugs, maybe…?” Marcus frowned, as if his mind was working in overdrive. “His manipulations of Ariadne suggest that’s his preferred modus operandi, but with that comes traces of chemicals in people’s systems that can be traced back.” He shook his head. “But showing a united front now, that’s what’s important. Stay together, protect Cyn. We are always strongest when we work as a pack.”

And like some inscrutable Wizard of Oz figure, he led us deeper into the Omega Ball.

“Cyn, sweets!” George swanned over, a glass of champagne in each hand, one handed to me. “You look stunning.”

“You should taste that first,” Marcus said to Orion.

Both George and my mate frowned, but Orion took my hand and raised the glass to his lips.

“Tastes like the usual Moët bullshit they serve every year.”

“Can’t be too careful,” Marcus replied, that same smug tone back.

“Careful? What the hell’s going on now?” George spluttered, moving towards me.

“Nothing. We’re going to circulate as a pack. See and be seen. I’m going to dance with every one of my mates, have some food, and then see what the night holds. You, my dear chaperone, are free tonight to enjoy yourself as you see fit, on Miranda’s dime, of course,” Marcus replied blithely.

“Miranda? I haven’t been able to get through to her since yesterday.”

“Well, try now,” Marcus suggested, George doing that with a frown, an expression that lifted when someone answered his call.

“Mum?” I said as Marcus steered us deeper into the ballroom, the massive dome opening up above us, complete with well lit, mural covered ceiling. “She’s OK? Can I talk to her?”

“She’s very well, and I’ll have to insist on the last bit once this is over. She’s become very insistent. I had her trust right up until now. But let’s dance.” Marcus drew us to a stop on the fringes of the dance floor, studying me like he’d only just seen me for the first time, his fingers trailing down my neck to trace the collar of purple faux tanzanites there. “Someone as beautiful as you can’t stand on the outskirts of a ball like a wallflower.”

All the mocking tone was gone, and suddenly, Marcus was as honest as he ever could be. His eyes followed the trail of his fingers until he was forced to snatch them back.

“Dance with me, just once, omega.” The word was delivered as a sigh this time, his brows knitting, as if it pained him somehow. “Just once, and I’ll die a happy man.”

“You want to use her as bait,” Orion said with a scowl.

“Perhaps. Or maybe I agreed with the spirit of your plan, if not the letter.” He grabbed my hands, setting our pose expertly, before stepping out onto the floor.

I felt like my head was swirling as fast as my body was as we waltzed around the room. Marcus was an expert dancer, leading me through the steps at the perfect pace, never at risk of treading on my feet as occasionally I was his. For unmated omegas, this was an opportunity to present yourself to the alphas collected, let them see your dress and your figure, your grace and beauty, as you moved through the ancient dance steps. But I had a bow banging lightly against my shoulder blades that spoke of a different purpose.

“What are you doing here, Marcus?”

His eyes flicked down to meet mine, watching for just a moment, never missing a step. Then they dropped down to focus on my lips.

“I don’t often lie, not unless I absolutely have to,” he replied. “Whatever I could tell you, I have. It just doesn’t happen to be a lot. I promise by this time tomorrow, you will know everything. Every detail, every plan, far more than what you’ll actually want, but I’ll tell you all of it. Can you give me until then to just enjoy my mates, my pretty little omega?”

“Not omega. Cyn.”

“Not until I’ve earned it, correct? Well, I’ll do my best. Now let’s move a little closer to the centre of the room. Rhys, the bastard is about to come and cut in.”

But we evaded his presence, swanning by in big swoops, deftly navigating the congested dancefloor, the number of dancers forcing Rhys back again. Then the music changed into something slower, sweeter, Marcus pulling me close, one hand on the small of my back as we swayed together.

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