Page 45 of Good Girl

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His grip on my breasts tightened, making it more pain than pleasure, but for some reason, that was just what I wanted. I plucked one hand off without effort, sliding it over my arse, and pushed it between my legs. I hummed when I felt that final stretch, something approximating satisfaction when I did so.

“Jesus…” Marcus hissed as I did exactly what he said and came apart.

My head jerked back, and I stared up at the ceiling, not seeing a thing but feeling them. Wave upon wave of the most perfect pleasure, it made my every nerve ending sing.

“Hold her up,” Marcus ordered as it began to trail away, making me mewl grumpily.

“What?” Rhys asked, finally pulling his face from me.

“I want to lick you clean, but hold her up first. I want my taste.”

“You sure about this? Marcus, we—”

“Of course, I’m fucking sure. You’re right—this is inevitable, has been since she stepped into my club. You think I don’t need it as much as you, but…” My eyes flicked open as I felt Rhys’ body slide against mine, my arms finding his neck and locking around it. I was drowsy with pleasure as he offered me to his mate like fruit on a platter. But I forced my eyes wide as Marcus fucking McCallum got to his knees before me.

“You sure about this, princess?” Rhys asked me. “No one’s going to make you do anything you don’t want to.”

I smiled down at Marcus, loosening my hold on Rhys to ruffle Marcus’ hair, liking the feel between my fingers.

“You want me,” I stated, something else, something not me, wanting to poke the bear.

“More than fucking anything. Let me taste you.”

That same devilish not me slid my fingers through my too sensitive folds, collecting my slick there only to rub it over his lips until they were glossy. I liked the way he licked it away quickly, his breath coming harder, the way his hand gripped my wrist, sucking the remains away.

“I will make you come so fucking hard if you just—”

I grabbed his head and guided it gently into my heat, holding him there as he buried his face in me. It was too soon, my skin feeling almost too thin, bruised by pleasure, but I couldn’t stop, and from his soul deep groan, neither could he. Brendan sidled over, looking quietly destroyed, but he tilted my head up and kissed me gently before bending his head to kiss my nipples.

It was over too quickly. I was too fucking responsive. No sooner had I felt the insistent nudge of Marcus’ nose, the slip of his tongue, than it all came rushing back. I bit my tongue until it bled, stifling my cries because Orion was walking back, looking solemn as he pushed his phone back into his pocket, a silent observer to our debauchery.

“Scream for me, omega,” Marcus said, pulling back for just a second, a slick covered finger pressing up against my arsehole. “I need to hear your pleasure.”

So I did, a loud, long ode to every single one of them.

He got to his feet once I’d stopped twitching, dragging me away from Rhys and Brendan and cradling me against his chest, the stiff cotton of his shirt feeling too crisp against my skin.

“We can’t knot her. Promise me that,” he said over the top of my head as I slumped against him.

“I can’t,” Rhys replied, “I won’t, and neither can you. You’re grasping at straws, trying to hold the rampage back, but we’re done. I know it.”

“Me too, mate,” Brendan said. “I was the first time she climbed into my fucking lap. I love every single one of you with everything I have, but if you love me back, you’ll give your blessing on this. I need her.”

“We need her,” Orion finished definitively. “With her consent, of course. Miranda has just spoken very frankly with me about her expectations of our treatment of her daughter, but if Cyn asks for it, I can’t hold that back. My father always was a cunning fuck. I could’ve held out against a million other omegas, but not her. But there’s still a way out of this.”

“Afterwards,” Marcus said. “Get her into our rooms, lock the residential side of things down tight, and alert security. We have emergency protocols, so they’re being put in place.” He took a long, shuddering breath. “We’re doing this together? Plunging headfirst into rampancy with a girl we hardly know and hope like fuck she doesn’t go running?”

“Together,” Orion replied. “Always together.”

Chapter 18

I wanted to run, they had that right, just not the way they thought. They followed me down the hall to where they lived, hulking presences stalking me as I trotted along, throwing looks over my shoulder. A low chuckle came when my pace picked up, barefoot on the polished concrete, their steps echoing loudly. It was deathly quiet down here. One of the lower floors, not even able to be selected

from the public elevators, this was their turf, and I’d stumbled into it.

“It hurts, alpha,” I grumbled, clawing at my dress.

“You’re not walking around my halls with your tits out. They’re for us to see, not security. In here,” Marcus replied, nodding to a guard who hung around the end of the corridor, slamming an arm down on the wall to block me when I tried to move past where he directed.

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