Page 30 of Good Girl

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“Alpha, please.”

It was a pinch and then an awkward shift on the seats. For the first time in my life outside of a heat, I felt that bone-deep need for a knot. He had one, was rigid for me, I could see the massive lump of his hard dick as he moved me on the car seat, swinging my legs around so they faced the driver’s seat, then pushing my knees up.

“I’m gonna keep your taste on my tongue for as long as I can,” Brendan said on a growl, moving between my legs and then pushing his fingers back inside me. I yelped at the stretch, but a sweet, hot burn started up in response to his long, lazy thrusts, in complete contrast with the frantic thrash of his tongue. He was right—he searched for my taste like a bloodhound on the trail, licking me dry and then licking me wet again. My body gushed so much all over his nice leather seats, he’d have to drown this car in de-scenter to be able to drive it, but I couldn’t think of that. Rhys’ regular sharp grunts came in time with mine, something he noted.

“You’re gonna come when I do, omega. You hold out until I tell you. Feel my Brendan driving you nuts, but don’t you come. You’ll regret it if you do. I’ll tell you when.”

His voice dissolved into sharper, shorter grunts, coming faster and faster, Brendan’s fingers burrowing deeper and deeper as my body shifted, ready to take a knot. But there was only them, pressing up hard against the spot his knot would rub so well.

“Jesus, you destroy me.”

I didn’t know who the last bit was said to, so it had the unfortunate side effect of welding us all together in this little cocoon wrought entirely of ecstasy.

“Alpha, please…”

Whether I was begging Brendan, Orion, or Rhys, I didn’t know. Right now, they’d melded into this one monolithic figure who held my pleasure in the palm of their hand, and I wasn’t sure if I’d be rewarded or not.


“Ah fuck, I’m gonna come. Come on his face, omega. Drown him in your slick. Baptise him in you, and come.”

We were lucky we were in the forest because I screamed, one perfect, never-ending note that could smash glass, but it was me that shattered. It was exactly as he said—my body jerking, squirting, as every single wave of pleasure crushed me flat. It was a sound to have the betas scrambling out of their houses, their fingers ready to ring the police, but out here, there were only the birds, the trees, and them to hear.

I came down slowly, my body so wonderfully sore, every scrap of tension, need, and fear thoroughly washed out of me. I was empty as a doll and as lax as one.

“You good now, omega?” That was Orion, and there was an edge to his voice.

“Yes, thank you, alpha.”

“Good, now get your bloody arse home, Brendan, because you and I have something hard to work through.”

The two of us pulled apart like two crash victims, shaken. I packed myself away, putting myself back together as I curled up on my seat. But i

t was Brendan who reached across and clipped my seatbelt in place.

“Bring the omega,” Rhys insisted over the sounds of Orion’s protest. “She needs aftercare. I’m not leaving her to come down in her room by herself. We did this, we see it through.”

“Marcus is gonna shit,” Orion cursed.

“Marcus can suck my dick…” Rhys’ words came out more as a purr than they were supposed to as Brendan threw the car in gear.

“On it,” Brendan replied. “Meet me in the garage, because I’m not facing down this shit show on my own.”

Everything got soft and hazy on the drive over. Like I could feel Brendan’s anxiety, plucking at my consciousness like a demanding child, but I couldn’t respond to it. The endorphins swamped me, drowning me in a pool of warm fuzzies.

“I’ve got her,” a deep voice said as my eyes opened, but the strong arms that picked me up, carrying me inside, told me louder than words that awareness wasn’t needed right now. Safe, safe, safe, my heart pulsed, but it was never especially smart.

Chapter 14

“You’re getting attached.”

I was laid down in a bed that smelled intensely of mint and storms. Blindly, I searched for the source, finding it in the soft pillow.

“That’s what happens, you fucking dickhead. Omegas are love at their core. We bred them to be sweet and receptive and more open than any alpha or beta would dare, and who could resist that? But she just had her first alpha induced frenzy. I looked her up, she’s twenty-five, and no alpha’s pushed her buttons like that before? I told you this would be a problem, that bringing an omega into the mix would be trouble, but you insisted.”

“Orion, leave them. I’m fucking rigid.”

“And what’s to stop you from going into rut, triggering her heat? This isn’t your little brother you’re looking after. She’s a warm, wet, willing omega, and we know how that works. They’re your catnip, Rhys.”

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