Page 13 of Good Girl

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I should’ve said no. Really, I should’ve. I’d done courses on negotiations and consent, I knew it was in my best interests as an omega to hammer all the details out, but I didn’t. I nodded, but that wasn’t good enough for them.

“Use your words, omega,” Orion prompted.

“Yes.” The word seemed to cut through the air of the room like a knife, dissipating a tension I hadn’t even realised existed.

“Well, all right,” Marcus said, leaning back in his chair. “Now, O, does she know exactly what the deal with us is?”

“She guessed it quick enough at the party,” he replied, moving me forward and depositing me in a chair, a whine rising and being smothered by me when he pulled away. He crossed the floor, tugging off his tie and dropping it on the desk before perching on the edge on Marcus’ side. They both looked at me for just a second, but their focus was on each other soon enough. And so was the other guys’.

“Oh fuck…” Brendan groaned as Orion bent down, tipping Marcus’ lips up so he could take them. They kissed glacially slowly, like they had to do this carefully. Two apex predators making themselves vulnerable to the other, it took some effort.

But it was worth it, everyone in the room seemed to get that. The hunger, that same fucking desperation from the forest, it had grown, been refined by years of being bound together. Brendan moved closer, hand rubbing the massive lump in his jeans, the other sliding to the back of Orion’s neck in a possessive, dominant hold.

“Breathe, omega.” I looked up and saw Rhys had appeared by my side, looking down at me with what could’ve been concern. It was hard to tell, his responses were so muted. But our eyes were drawn back to the three of them as if on automatic, because who wouldn’t? I frowned, wanting to shrink backwards, the savage hunger with which they tasted each other’s mouths so alien as to seem like another species.

And perhaps they were, alphas. But it appeared I was going to get a crash course in their care and feeding.

“Good omega,” Rhys purred, sliding a hand down my neck, making me feel for a moment that it was Brendan’s on Orion’s, and with that came a disturbing referred pleasure.

Chapter 7

This was a test.

That was hard to see, the feel of Rhys’ hand on me clouding the issue, his scent of mint and the way a storm smells as it first comes in filling my nose. He didn’t move his hand much, except that slight shift of his thumb. I felt what Orion had described before, that total focus on one tiny thing. The rasp of the callus of his skin against my mine, the drag of it making me shiver, which drew his eye.

He frowned slightly, then said, “I’m going to pull my hand away now. You’re breathing better, and this is just confusing shit. It’s your decision. If you don’t want to stay for this, I’ll take you out of here, somewhere safe. There’s a chill out space with de-scenters that we use when omegas get too heightened. You have an out. Remember that.”

He watched me closely until I nodded, but a long, strangled cry drew our attention back to the centre of the room. Orion’s jeans were open now, his cock in Marcus’ hand.

“Where the fuck were you today?” Marcus asked on a growl. “I needed you.”


“Answer me!”

The sharp crack of an alpha’s command had me jolting, Brendan and Rhys’ eyes going to me, but not for long. Marcus slowed his caress, swivelling his hand so methodically it was like he was trying to re-sculpt Orion’s cock. But he did answer, Orion, through a series of pants.

“Had family… Fuck! Had family bullshit. Thought Dad would chill when I said I’d take…” His breath huffed in and out. “When I said I’d take Cyn out. Gave me the third degree instead. He wants this.”

“Yeah?” When Marcus looked over at me, it wasn’t entirely friendly, but I guessed that made sense. If he were mine, if it were my hand on Orion but his family was pushing him towards Marcus, would I have been cool? I met Marcus’ gaze for as long as I could, something that made his eyebrow cock up and his grip loosen. “And what do you want, Orion?”

They stared at each other for a second, locked in a battle of wills I’d never be able to engage with. Orion’s hips bucked, trying to force his lover to jack him harder, but Marcus refused.

“You come into my office reeking of omega, hard as a fucking rock, ready to come the moment I lick the head.”

“Yes…yes, Marcus.”

“You got her scent in your nose, smelling her slick little pussy.” No response from Orion, just the grind of his teeth. Marcus pulled away, Orion’s hands grabbing at his, wanting more, but Marcus just yanked a drawer open, pouring copious amounts of ropey lube in his hands before gripping Orion firmly again. His spare hand, that went lower, covering something I’d heard so much about but never seen outside a sex ed class—Orion’s knot. Swollen, red and angry, the lump at the base of his cock was covered by the other man.

“Jesus fucking Christ, Marcus!” Orion shouted, but then what he was snapped back into place. He gripped the back of Marcus’ head, forced his eyes to meet his own. “You gonna make me come, alpha? Is that what’ll happen? You gonna take my cum right down your throat while you squeeze my knot tighter than any omega can? Is that what you’ll do?”

There was no surrender in Marcus, only acquiescence. His gaze burned into his lover’s eyes as his hand moved harder, faster, the other tightening around his knot.

“Fuck, I can’t last!” Orion said on a growl, standing up and yanking Marcus’ head down on his cock, the other man’s cheeks hollowing as he sucked the cum right out of Orion, his hips forcing his length deeper and deeper down his throat.

When Orion finally pulled away, the air seemed to crackle with unspent energy.

“Snuggle up against the boss there, rich boy,” Brendan said, shoving Orion into the same chair as Marcus, the two of them barely fitting the capacious piece of furniture. “Quick and rough?” he asked Marcus as he leant over him, his pants jerked open, then the other man’s.

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