Page 106 of Good Girl

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“We’re gonna tease you a little, omega.” Orion tipped my head back, kissing me slowly, sweetly. “We want you desperate for us when the time comes.”

“Am,” I whined, getting restless, but the alphas, they moved, pinning me to the bed, making sure I got the message before they settled back.

“We were honour-bound to report any newly revealed omegas, to see if the gangs could get in before the academies swept in and claimed them. If our bosses had found out what I was hiding, if any of them had caught wind of you…” Marcus stiffened in his chair. “That’s when it all started, from one need—to make sure you were safe from all of it.”

He shook his head, looking down until the play of Rhys’ fingers around my knee drew a little whine. Marcus’ head jerked up, his eyes narrowed, and the omega in me loved to see the war he fought to stop himself from joining us, but his hands dug into the armchair and he held himself still.

“I could have brought you to my pack, initiated you quick, before anyone else did. That’s what most alphas would do. But when I saw you there, free, innocent, just enjoying your pleasures in a way I would never understand, you weren’t an omega that needed claiming. That would come, and I knew just how fucking sweet it would be when you asked for it, begged for it, need scoring your voice.”

But his eyes grew cold and flat.

“All of that would’ve been lost if we’d forced things. Rhys moped around for months, longing for a girl he’d barely even seen, and I wanted to punch him because he didn’t even know. He hadn’t seen the way your face lit up when you were reading a passage that delighted you or the way your hair fell over your shoulders or the long, slender shape of your fingers as you turned the page. The sensation of observing you was so fucking different to when I first saw the guys. They made me hard, made my hands go to claws, wanting to rake them down their skin, but fuck…”

Marcus stared into my eyes, the intensity making my skin burn in response.

“Alpha…” I said.

“Not yet. They’re right—you need to know. Back then, I was at war with myself. Part of me wanted to surround you, hem you in, make you dependant on me in every way. Set up your mother’s company and make sure you knew it was me that gave you the safety and stability. Have my goons surrounding you, keeping other alphas at bay. Do every fucking thing I despised Benson and his class for doing, but for such a better, more noble cause.”

He shook his head definitely.

“It was high-handed and bullshit, but I knew then as sure as my next breath that we needed to wait. This was a hunt, a long game—the ones I like the most.” I twisted in Bren’s grip as Marcus’ hand slipped lower, rubbing the heel into the lump in his pants. “I admit, I got caught up in that.” His fangs flashed as he smiled. “The chase was so fucking hot, it was hard to stop. I’d slink into your life and out again, hovering on the perimeter, observing and then slipping away again. And then Benson attacked you.”

My whines now weren’t lust induced, but remembered fear, the fever of my rising heat making it difficult to determine past from present.

“He showed me exactly how it could be if we forced you and pushed you. I saw what he did, and I saw the aftermath. You shrank into yourself, only coming out to talk to your shrink or train with your PT. You didn’t lie in trees, you didn’t traipse around in the forest. You made your life smaller because of his fucking actions.” His eyes fell to the floor. “Because of mine. I didn’t know what to do with that, having no experience whatsoever with this, so I focussed my efforts where I could. Benson and his ilk, all of them that would go down, and only when you were safe would it be time to bring you into the fold.”

His eyes darted across the room, searching for and finding Orion’s.

“But my Orion had other ideas, a grand plan to save us from his father’s bullshit, not realising I had one in play.”

Marcus got up, undoing his shirt buttons and pulling the fabric away to the panted sound of my appreciation, then he threw it away as if the garment offended him personally. Rhys moved in, rubbing his cock against my thigh as his mouth found my neck, sweeping his hand up my stomach, and Marcus watched it all like it was him that was doing it. Bren’s lips traced the curve of my breast as Orion’s hand slid down and wrapped lightly around my throat.

“Of course he did. Part of me believes if it weren’t Orion, it would’ve been Bren or Rhys bringing you into the fold, right when I wasn’t sure I could keep things secure. Right when I needed you the most.” Marcus’ hand went to his belt, undoing it with a snap, his pants and underwear following suit. “I built everything in preparation for this, for us, and yet when you walked in t

hat door, it felt like it was all slipping through my fingers. You brought it all back, what we were supposed to be, how it was supposed to go, and right when I thought I was going to get it, I realised that for them to have what they needed, I might need to be the collateral damage. Me or you. I chose me the first time, when Benson touched you. This time, I chose you.”

He sank down on the bed, crawling towards us, grabbing my ankle and placing a searing kiss there.

“I’m going to kiss my way up your thighs now, unless you tell me otherwise. I’ll bury my face in your hot little cunt, and when I’ve bathed my face in you, I’m going to slide up and work my knot in, right as I bite down on your throat. Because I need you, Cyn, so fucking much, in ways I don’t understand.”

He always knew what was required, that was Marcus’ saving grace. He might control our lives, but he did so in a way that was so careful to give us what we needed when we needed it, and I needed him. The guys seemed to move as one then, all those cautious caresses becoming something much bolder. Rhys cupped my breast, pinching down on the nipple as Orion sucked my gasps away, then teased out more as his kiss deepened. Just as that spun me higher, I felt the prickle of Bren’s stubble on my breast as his mouth claimed my nipple, sucking hard.

“That’s it, that’s what she needs,” Marcus crooned. “Over and over, Cyn, that’s how this is going to be. We’re gonna drown you in pleasure, keep you welded to this bed until no one will ever mistake you for anything but ours.”

I couldn’t reply as he dropped his head down, kissing my inner thigh and spreading me wide.

“Fuck, Cyn…” he groaned, trailing a finger through my copious wetness. “Do you have to be so pink and wet for us?”

That wasn’t a conscious choice but an inevitable reality, a low growl of approval coming from him as my slick gushed freely, right as he forced a finger inside me. I was groaning, gasping, writhing in their grip as he pushed another in.

“Good girl,” Orion rumbled. “Such a good girl. You’re opening up for him, our errant mate. He doesn’t deserve you, but he will, I promise.”

“Even if we have to kick his arse to make it so,” Rhys added. “Taste her, Marcus. I know you’re dying to. The time for holding back is over, mate.”

And it was. He launched himself at me, his tongue going everywhere his fingers weren’t, sucking down my slick, then licking my clit over and over in long broad strokes until I screamed. An orgasm washed over me, my cunt plucking at his fingers, wanting more, more, and there was no comedown afterwards. Marcus took that as a sign, rolling my clit around between his lips, pushing the flat of his tongue up against it for a series of powerful sucks.

“Turn her over,” Marcus rasped out when he finally pulled away. “I need to taste her everywhere. I want to bury my tongue in her, lick every inch. I want my senses swamped by her. I need her so fucking much.”

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