Page 72 of As You Wish

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My time leading up to the war games began to take on a reliable pattern. Keel and I trained before and after school; me refusing to get naked until we’d at least gone a few rounds with the spears. When he saw I was serious, he started me on some conditioning exercises as well, making sure I was hot and sweaty before my skin touched his. I don’t know how well I got acquainted with Keel the guy as I did his dick, but it was kind of a relief just to have someone who wanted nothing other than to prepare me for the challenges ahead and let off some steam afterwards.

I completed all my coursework, or rather Scalla and Miazydar did. I didn’t bother studying anymore, knowing my dragon would supply me with whatever information I needed in class. It got a bit interesting when we had to do experiments but he talked me through what I had to do and I manage to pass everything. Bhechro and his cronies kept their distance as did everyone really. There’d been a few attempts on my life, someone tried to set the cottage on fire and another tried to spill acid on me in the science lab, but neither had been successful. We’d had to move to another cottage where Fluffy had a great time decimating the spider population all over again and my newly honed battle instincts had had me ducking out of the way of the path of the acid. Keel turning up to all my lessons with a plasma spear in tow managed to keep the attacks down for the foreseeable future. I saw the other cadets in passing and in training, but as Keel used meal times to go over strategy and my schedule, we spoke little.

“So how long’s this fitting supposed to take?” Jez said. She’d come with me to the tailor who’d created a popup studio in one of the classrooms in preparation for the upcoming ball. Apparently all of us had to have regulation dress uniforms. I watched the woman measure up Alden, wrapping her tape around his most important parts in a series of quick movements.

“Royal insignia, yes?” she said. Alden nodded and gave her the relevant details of his parentage which she noted.

“So who’re you going to the ball with?” Jez said as I took a step forward when the line moved.

“Keel, I think,” I said, looking around the room. I didn’t see him, but then again there was no one from the ADC here but us cadets.

“Why Keel? Do you have to take a rider?”

“No, but—”

“Why not take Flea?”

I scanned the bolts of rich teal fabric and spools of gold thread. “Would he enjoy something like this? I’m not sure I will.”

“He would if he was with you,” she said. Her dark eyes bore into the side of my face until I turned to face her. “He’s into you, Tess, really into you. God knows I’d never criticise a woman for having more than one guy on the go, but him? You’ve got to decide if you’re in or out.”

The box I’d locked down inside me rattled at her words, something big and dark wanting to fight its way out. I pushed the feeling down, hard.

“I guess I’ve been so focussed on the war games I hadn’t really thought about it.”

“What’s to think about? You either feel the same way about him or you don’t. Once they get feelings, they’re out the door in my house. Is he out of yours?”

The day before we were due to leave for the capital I came to find Scalla in the lounge room with Miazydar again. “Hey,” I said, “you know I handed in the last assignment a week ago, yeah? I appreciate all the work you’ve done, really, but you must need to complete your own assessments.”

“Scalla’s here to ask for a favour, Tess,” M said.

“Oh, right, sorry. What can I do for you?”

“I want to come to the capital,” she said.

“Dying to see the war games, are you?” I said with a smile. They both sat there quietly. “No? So why do you want to…oh.”

What Greynell had told me, shown me, stuck in my mind, it just wasn’t in the foremost part. I’d gone through the usual phases of outrage, disgust, anger, frustration and a desire to do something about it like we all do when we watch those videos on Facebook of people hurting animals or environmental damage. But like most people when not presented with an easy to implement solution, it had fallen to the wayside. I knew Aravisia was full of dick bags who were turning their dragons into emotionally and intellectually stunted slaves for their pleasure, but right now I was focussed on performing a series of well-rehearsed arabesques and fight sequences for the edification of the masses. I’d gotten my transcripts from Bhechro yesterday. It seemed bizarre that I wouldn’t get my exist pass until I’d done so, but then again I hadn’t expected to get into a duel with a sentient wolf who’d been cursed to take human form either, so there you go. I told myself that I’d get right on to trying to unpick the oppression of dragons once I got out of Aravisia. Maybe I could organise a concert or something to raise awareness, or we could donate a percentage of all of our sales to Scalla’s organisation. But, with all of this in mind, my eyes were currently on the prize and Scalla was attempting to insert herself between me and it.


We’re taking her, Miazydar said.

Seriously? So asking me was a formality you needed to get out of the way, was it?

What have I asked of you since we arrived?

You asked me to scratch that spot behind your jaw the other day.

That’s not a request, that’s your obligation as my rider.

I smiled at Scalla and nodded. “Yeah, of course. Just be here at first light with whatever luggage you want to take, OK?” This earned me a spontaneous hug. I was awkwardly patting her back when Jez walked in, dumping her bags on the ground. She cocked an eyebrow, waving her goodbye as the preppy looking girl went to pack.

“So, one last family dinner before we go?” she said, sitting down at the dining table. Flea came in and added his bags to the lot and then looked at the two of us.

“Lemme guess, you want me to cook?”

“Well, I have one last date with the dynamic duo: Buttman and Vag Boy, so I wouldn’t want to be all tired out for that,” she said with an evil grin. “And anyway, it’ll give you some alone time, so think of the payoff.” Flea didn’t respond so neither did I. Jez grabbed a couple of beers and plonked them on the table. “I’m gonna miss…I’m not sure what Buttman’s actual name is.”

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