Page 39 of Playing for Keeps

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He did as he was told, barely taking the time to clean himself up and pull some shorts on before he was out the door, his flatmates calling after him.

Won’t this be fun? she said in a low purr, right as the women in the hallway stopped singing.

Chapter 22

“Time to go,” Ophelia said.

She had a way about her, able to silence all around her and ensure their compliance with just a few quietly voiced words. On her order, I felt it, the rise, curl, tighten of whatever power they thought I had, and it was hungry.

“Ask the alpha to bring you to me tomorrow, once you’ve risen from your bed,” Flora said, shooting me a wicked grin. She wasn’t going gently into any good night. I just nodded in response, then turned to face down the last group of people.

“I’m sorry I tried to get in the way of things,” Jules said, staring at Shaun, which I didn’t like at all. I slid my arm through his, and he pulled me close. “I’m sorry I doubted you. I was worried—”

“I know you were. You saw yourself in Bec, figured things were going the same way,” Shaun replied, and there was a tightness to his voice. “But nothing was the same, Jules, none of it.” My eyes closed for just a second as he hugged me, pressed his lips to the top of my head. “The way things went down…it was totally different.”

“You could have asked me.” The words were out of my mouth without thinking. I forced my eyes open, took in Shaun, the other guys, then Jules. “If you were really concerned about me, talking to me about that would have been the most respectful thing to do.”

“Of course.” She nodded sharply. “I intended to when your heat was over. Women aren’t super keen on other women being around when experiencing their heats.” I stared at her calmly, evenly. “Like you are right now. Apologies.” She ducked her head and started to edge back, her mates moving with her. “I thought…” She let out a long sigh. “I thought wrong, that’s what I did. But for the record” —she looked Shaun over— “I’m glad you found her, the other part of your heart. You always deserved that, Shaun.”

“And the other half of his heart looks like she’s two seconds away from ripping his clothes off in front of us, so let’s give them some space,” the blond-haired mate said, steering Jules away. “Congrats, mate, the crazy is just about to start.”

“Wouldn’t have it any other way,” Shaun replied, and when I looked up, he was staring down at me, not them. Then he steered me back inside the suite, into one of the bedrooms with a single-minded intensity.

“No,” he said to the guys when they appeared at the door. “Just…not this time. I need her, all of her. Just once.”

“Of course you do,” Axel replied. “Any of her mates will, if she chooses to take more.” There was a subtle reminder there of a potential future, one that caused a fire to light in his eyes. He reached out, hooking Ethan around the waist, treating me to the sight of the two of them pressed together, Ethan’s hand sliding downwards. Axel’s smirking façade cracked at the feel of the other man’s touch. “We’ll ride out the aftershocks of what you do in the other room.”

I groaned at that, dragging Shaun inside. He kicked the door shut behind him before he scooped me up and threw me down on the bed, following me down.

“I’m gonna need you hard and often tonight.”

I smiled, wriggling around on the soft surface, feeling an answering need inside me, something he’d be able to feel too. His mouth brushed against mine, bestowing teasing, glancing kisses there.

“And I need you naked for that.”

“You too.”

I pushed him back, unable to look away from the sight of those powerful thighs kneeling over me, but shoved his shirt up and over his head, revealing an abdomen taut with muscle. Despite the uncomfort

able position, I swept a hand over him, glorying in feeling a body I’d normally only seen in magazines.

He is pretty as a picture, isn’t he? the arch feminine voice said inside my head. I felt something shuffle, scrabble within me, but that soon quieted. Pull those ridiculously flimsy garments down. Ohh…

Mystery woman and me, we were of the same mindset, peeling back his shorts to reveal his weeping cock. Shaun was beautiful, hard, thick, the shaft flaring out the farther down he went, and I just knew what kind of stretch that’d make me feel.

Touch him. Tease him, she ordered, and for some reason, I obeyed without question. Nothing she suggested I wouldn’t already do, so it didn’t seem to pluck at my mind. I liked the needy sound of his groan as I wrapped my fingers around him, the flex of all those muscles as I swept my palm up and down.

“No…” he moaned. “No…”

“Don’t worry, my love.” Was it me talking, or was it her? Our voice was a low purr now. “You’ll rise again and again until I’m satisfied, but you want to taste me, don’t you?”

His head nodded jerkily, his brows creasing before he shifted, changing position, then slid between my legs, working himself down until I was straddling his face.

Yesss… she hissed. Ride him like a queen.

He said something similar, dragging me down on top of him in a position I’d always felt weird about because it put me on display, because I felt like only skinny little misses could do this safely. But as his hands tightened and he drew me down, making me feel the stretch in my thighs, all concerns went out the window the minute his tongue flicked out.

“Fuck…” I sighed, finding my body undulated in response to his caresses, like his tongue and my spine were in sync. His fingers tightened as he really went to work, burying his face in me, licking and sucking and piercing me with his tongue until I was gasping.

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